If you are wondering how to apply for a software patent, then read this article. In it, we will cover: Basic requirements of software for patent eligibility, Searching for prior art, Filing a provisional application, and Costs associated with a software patent application. To make the process easier, we will cover some common questions that come up in the process. We will also discuss what you need to do to get a provisional application approved.

Basic requirements for software to be eligible for a software patent

Patents can be difficult to obtain for software especially considering the requirements that the software must meet for it to be registered as a patent. The process gets more difficult and challenging when it comes to defining what constitutes an inventive idea. The Supreme Court and Congress have made it clear that not all software is eligible for a patent. Moreover, defining an inventive idea for a software patent requires much more disclosure than one might think. The days of a cheap software patent are long gone. Here’s what you need to know to be able to file for a patent on your software.

To start with, a software product must be created by an individual, not a corporation. Patent office examiners often take a narrow view of Alice. This case gave guidelines and precedence on determining what can be patented and what cannot. But the USPTO regularly publishes two Patent Examiner Guidance (PEGs) that provide formal guidelines for how patent applications are evaluated.

Secondly, a software product must be displayable on a physical device such as a computer monitor. The software product must also be new and innovative. It cannot be a copy of an existing design. It also cannot be an obvious imitation of a known design or process. Last but not least, the software product should not be tangled with the functionality of the product. If all of these requirements are met, the software product should be eligible for a patent. There is however a good number who feel and propose that no software should be patented because every software depends on an existing one to function. They argue that is is difficult to patent since one software inventor depends on an inventor of another technical program or software for it to function.

Additionally, the invention should be made of a computer code. The codes guide on the how to use a program in a computer or in a technical set platform. Its purpose must be to accomplish a task or reduce computing resources. In order to be eligible for a software patent, the software must satisfy certain essential requirements. These are discussed below. It is also important to keep in mind that an abstract idea does not necessarily preempt every possible application of the invention. The invention should be novel enough to be patent-eligible, but not necessarily revolutionary.

Lastly, the invention must involve more than just an extra-solution activity. It must have a major role in achieving a goal. Patentable software may contain processes that do not pass the machine or transformation tests. The patent may also cover the architecture of a software program. Therefore, the process itself does not need to be patented, but the design is important. Listed below are some basic requirements that should be met for a software patent.

Each country in which you wish to be protected must have a patent application as the laws and requirements differ. You must submit an international patent application using the Patent Cooperation Treaty for your patent to be internationally registered, recognized and protected. Countries that are bound are by the treaty then decides whether to grant the patent based on its laws.

Searching for prior art

Searching for prior art is an essential part of the software patent process. This process involves examining the prior art for your invention in different databases. There are many different search strategies to consider, such as keyword, name, classification, and citation searches. In some cases, a combination of these strategies is used. A keyword search uses the main features of your invention to create search strings that will be used to evaluate the prior art for your invention. A prior art search like the word suggest is done to check whether similar arts of your invention do exist or whether any previous registration of an invention that is similar to your invention exists.

When searching for prior art, you should make sure that the sources of the prior art are relevant to your technology. The Internet is an excellent resource for conducting a prior art search. Patent collections are well-indexed and contain many relevant pieces of information. However, it is virtually impossible to search these databases exhaustively. Moreover, you may not be able to access relevant databases in English. Therefore, you should consult a patent lawyer to assist you with this task. When consulting one, it is best to go for those who have enough experience in the field.

Regardless of who does the search, it is important to find as much relevant prior art as possible. However, some inventors prefer to do the search themselves. They will have a better understanding of different technologies and will be more likely to understand the technical material. This will reduce the risk of inequitable conduct. Inequitable conduct means dishonesty or a breach of duty by the patent applicant of being honesty during patent application process. of is a remedy Nevertheless, even if the search results are limited, it is still important to disclose them to the USPTO.

A patent search is necessary since it determines if your product would be considered an infringement. If you want to patent research properly, keep in mind the costs involved. An extensive search is more costly than a basic search. Nonetheless, it is likely to give better results and more conclusive.

While Google Patent Search is helpful, it lacks customization features and search filters, making it difficult to find relevant software patents. It is advised to avoid use of questionable search services that offer bargain-basement prices but will yield inaccurate results. Such services may not search the entire USPTO database and may only search synonyms of your software invention. The best way to search for software patents is to hire a licensed patent attorney. It may be costly to hire a patent attorney but you are assured of a more extensive search that is highly accurate and reliable.

Patent research can be complicated. It is important to work with your lawyer throughout the process which betters your experience in the dynamic field. A successful patent offers a comprehensive report on any patents that might be relevant to your invention. This information is of great value and importance to the completion of your patent application.

In summary, there are several methods for finding prior art, including the search of relevant literature and other sources. You can also set up a regular schedule to conduct this search and get notifications when the prior art changes. This can help you avoid wasting time on unnecessary searches. It is also important to note that citing prior art can reduce the scope of your patent and result in the patent being deemed invalid. The USPTO has various search methods, which you can use to find relevant prior art.

Filing a provisional application

There are many advantages to filing a provisional application for a software-related patent. A provisional patents application is an made to legally protect your patent from been copied twelve months before a formal application is filed. This method gives the inventor one year to decide whether to pursue a full-fledged patent or merely seek to maintain the status quo. Additionally, the provisional application provides protection while the federal government continues to make changes to the rules for obtaining a software patent. To learn more about the benefits of filing a provisional patent application, read the following tips.

If you are concerned about the cost of filing a provisional application, you can hire an attorney to review the document. Some attorneys offer to review your application for three or four hours, but this is not enough time for a comprehensive revision. To be on the safer side, it is best to consult a patent attorney from the beginning of your application to the end. You can then submit the entire application as one document. When this process is complete, you can move on to the next step; filing a non-provisional application.

You should contact a patent attorney to discuss your software’s patentability. Patentability means that your patent has met set requirements for it to be granted patent. Filing a provisional application gives you priority and reserves rights. If you decide to proceed with the non-provisional application, your patent attorney can help you complete the paperwork and get your software protected. Alternatively, you can work with a patent attorney to file a non-provisional application as early as possible.

Unlike a full-fledged application, a provisional application is more affordable. It does not require a thorough review by the USPTO. The filing date of a provisional patent expires after an year. The benefit of filing a provisional application is that it gives you twelve months to develop your product, raise money, and/or market your product. A complete specification is not required, but it is recommended for some software projects.

If you are a small entity, filing a provisional application will save you money. Since you do not have to pay an attorney to file a provisional application, you can save up to $700 in fees. As of January-2017, a small-entity can use its own illustrations, and the cost of the application ranges from between $140 to $280.

Cost of filing a software patent application

The cost of filing a software patent application depends on the complexity of the invention. A typical application costs anywhere from $8,000 to $12,000, though the median is around $10,000. The fee typically includes representation after the application is filed. To make the most out of your patent application, hire a patent attorney. These professionals can help ensure the quality of your application and avoid common pitfalls. The cost of filing a software patent application can vary widely, depending on the complexity of the invention and the quality of the patent attorney.

To avoid failure ad disappointments in the initial stages and the entire process as well this, you can search online and look at successful patents in your field. You can also check out accepted and pending software patents to see if your idea is truly unique. If you are planning on licensing or selling your software, this type of application is a good choice. While patent attorney fees are non-refundable, they can be used to test the software or to find investors. Make sure you hire a patent attorney with sufficient experience and knowledge.

While filing a software patent application requires time, knowledge, and money, it can also be a valuable investment. However, you should first consider whether the value of your software makes the costs worth it. If you are just looking for protection against competitors, filing a software patent application may not be worth it. You should also consider how much potential revenue the software may generate. It may be worth it if it can bring in a substantial income. If you’re unsure about the costs of filing a software patent application, provisional applications are often cheaper than full applications. Unlike a full application, a provisional application does not require detailed patent claims. But this is not to say that you should not file a non-provisional application. Provisional patent applications are generally cheaper, ranging from three-four thousand to five-thousand dollars.

Software Patents: Issues

Here are some reasons why patenting a software is complicated:

  • US law stipulates that abstract ideas are not protected by patents. Abstract ideas are generally not patentable. However, this is not always true. It is unclear what an “abstract Idea” means in cases where business-related ideas can be patented.
  • There is no widely accepted distinction between non-patented and patented software on the global marketplace. Software, for example, cannot be granted patents in the European Union. Even so, the matter has been discussed again and efforts have been made to standardize instructions throughout the EU.
  • Technical and legal programs may hinder innovation and Patentability.

These challenges arise because the US patent law applies to all types of inventions. Software is unique from other innovations due to its short life cycle. Most software is only financially viable for a few years. Sometimes, it takes longer to obtain a patent thereby making the effort not worth it.

Software is also unique in the patent world because patents can be too broad. Moreover, Software is difficult to describe in exact terms especially if you are green in the field. However, starting from scratch by doing thorough consultations and research lessens the burden.


It is difficult to grasp the rules and regulations surrounding software patents. You can rely on a lawyer to help you navigate the complex world of intellectual property law. This helps in keeping you up to date on all matters software patent and also legally covered on the issues to do with software patenting. You can consult Patent PC’s attorney for help regarding your software patent at an agreeable fee.