If you are interested in knowing how much your software patent costs, the first step is preparing for your patent search. You can search for similar patents or information layouts and save on attorney fees. Alternatively, you can draft your application yourself. In both cases, you should prepare your information ahead of time. Also, the year hiatus you get from a software patent will allow you to test your software and secure investors. In addition, you can use this time to write your application and gather necessary documents to save money.


  1. Comparing Utility Patents And Design Patents Costs
    • Design patent is the least expensive type of patent
  2. Do-it-yourself strategy for getting a software patent
  3. Provisional patent applications extend the life of a software patent
  4. Reasons to budget more for a software patent

Comparing utility patents and design patents costs

Design patent is the least expensive type of patent

A design patent can protect the look and feel of your products. While it is not the most expensive type of software patent, it has significant potential for damages awards. Design patents can be especially valuable if you are worried about counterfeiters or want to keep the look of your product untouched. The United States, Germany, and Europe are the hubs for big tech brands, so it makes sense for them to protect their designs there.

Utility patents are often the most expensive of the three types of software patents. The primary difference between utility and design patents is the cost of preparing the drawings, which are crucial to the successful application. Unlike utility patents, design patents can be filed quickly and can be issued in as little as a year. Utility patents can take up to three years to resolve. In addition to being less expensive, design patents do not require maintenance fees. Applicants must prove that their product contains a new element or design that distinguishes it from existing products in order to get a patent.

Because they are easier to obtain, design patents have become the most popular type of software patent. A design patent is the least expensive type of software patent because it provides a superficial layer of protection, but is still worth considering. Increasingly, many developers want to protect their products as well as their designs, so a design patent is a great option for such companies. But make sure to research the various types of patents available before deciding which one to choose.

Utility style drawings are useful when the product you are designing is functional. For example, a utility-style drawing can protect the shape of a bottle, or a shoe. The document is almost entirely made up of pictures of the design on the useful item. This type of patent is difficult to search for because there are few words in the document. Design patents have been used to protect the appearance and functionality of touchscreen devices and user interfaces for software.

Do-it-yourself strategy for getting a software patent

A Do-it-yourself strategy for getting the right software patent can be difficult, especially if you’re not an attorney. Software patents are particularly complicated, and even lawyers have trouble understanding the process. To make the process as easy as possible, hire a patent attorney. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of attorneys, and their average experience is 14 years. Most of their members have worked with major companies such as Google and Apple.

The patent application process is slow and expensive. You should budget at least $10,000 for each patent area. The patent approval process can take two to four years, making it a daunting task for a startup. Besides, patenting software takes years. A Do-it-yourself strategy may not be feasible if you’re not well-versed in patent law. This strategy is best for early-stage companies that need to balance the benefits of early protection with a viable application.

The first step in software patent filing is a prior art search. A law firm charges around $1,500-$4,000 for a prior art search. Prior art searches identify other published patents and similar issued patents. These results may show that your software’s elements are already patented. In many cases, the results of the prior art search can help you determine which steps to take to protect your invention. However, it’s important to hire an attorney to prepare this report.

The second step in the process is the writing of your patent claims. Software patentability often depends on the way in which you write your patent claims. When writing a software patent, describe the technical and engineering challenges faced and how you resolved them. Careful thought should be given to the claims, as they must be tailored to claim only one pain point. However, you can make a software patent application that is more likely to be approved.

Provisional patent applications extend the life of a software patent

Provisional patent applications are an inexpensive way for an inventor to protect their IP before it is ready to be patented. They are not reviewed by the USPTO, but they secure the subject matter, priority date and confidentiality of the patent. While this method may seem like a waste of time, it is a smart way to protect your work. By filing a provisional application, you can receive a legally binding patent within 12 months.

Provisional patent applications are also often the first step in the process of filing a software or hardware patent. They are similar to regular patent applications, but have more relaxed formal requirements. They are drafted quickly and often with less attorney fees. The main difference between a provisional patent application and a regular application is the term “provisional” versus “nonprovisional”.

If you want to extend the life of a software patent, you should file a provisional patent application. This method will give you an earlier filing date and a 12-month patent protection. If the provisional patent expires before the nonprovisional patent is filed, it will lose its priority date. Provisional patent applications will also cost less than a regular patent application, but they do expire after one year.

If you file a nonprovisional patent application, the lifespan will be twenty years, but you can also extend it by filing a provisional patent application. A provisional patent application is an early stage in the patent process. It is also an excellent way to protect your company’s intellectual property. It costs anywhere from $430 to $1720 to file a software patent. The fees for filing a provisional patent application vary, but the basic fee is around $430 – $1720.

A recent US Supreme Court decision has dealt a significant blow to software patents. In Alice Corp v. CLS Bank, a 9-0 panel ruled that computer-based procedures do not qualify for a software patent. The ruling has resulted in hundreds of invalidated patents under Section 101 of the US patent laws, which deals with abstract ideas. Although a software patent is no longer a secure legal asset, it does give patent holders a little hope.

Reasons to budget more for a software patent

Software patents are very expensive. They require several years of maturation and can be outdated when code evolves. It is important to budget more to secure your software patent. This type of patent is not for the faint of heart. You should consider whether it’s worth the cost and whether it will bring you any benefits. Read on to find out if you should budget more for software patents. Here are a few reasons.

  • Because the cost of a software patent application can easily exceed ten thousand dollars, it may not be the best idea to file for one. However, if you’re an early-stage startup, this might be the best way to ensure that you’re ahead of the competition. After all, software patents protect your idea from unauthorized use by others. Furthermore, they position you for higher financial performance.
  • If you can’t afford to hire an attorney, it’s wise to hire a patent lawyer to do the work for you. It’s not difficult to find a patent attorney for as little as $900, and they can help you with the patent application process. Using a patent attorney is not only cheaper, but it will decrease your chances of having your patent rejected. Patent attorneys will review your invention and make sure it’s completely unique. Moreover, they’ll make sure that your software is unique and deserves its own patent.
  • In addition to being costly, a software patent application is time-consuming. Many start-ups don’t bother to patent their software, even if it’s essential to their growth. According to a Berkeley Patent Survey, two-thirds of software entrepreneurs do not have software patents. However, those entrepreneurs were ranked as having the least importance when it came to software patents. Since the rules around software patents change frequently, it’s important to be prepared for this.