The Invention Science Fund I, LLC (Bellevue, WA)

A method and system provides transactions and arrangements in virtual world environments. A user can participate in transactions in order to gain virtual property as well as virtual rights. In some implementations, real-world and virtual parties may be involved in transfers or transfer revocations that involve various types of virtual objects as well as virtual rights.

Virtual world environments typically include imaginary characters who participate in fictional actions, events and transactions. There are educational, financial and entertainment benefits in creating new and challenging ways for providingparticipation transactions related to virtual world environments.

There are many ways and systems that could be employed to obtain something of value in a virtual environment. For example, one or more computer programs that have process instructions may be incorporated in acomputerized system.

A few system configurations that could be used to implement an eventual transfer could include one or more computer devices that create a virtual environment; and a first data record identifying something inside the virtual world that is subject to afuture transfer from a donor to a recipient, whose future transfer is contingent upon an event that disqualifies the recipient and a second record that includes requirements for revocation of a future transfer; and an operating controller module that is connected to one or more computing devices to help determine whether to implement the revocation of the future transfer in accordance to the conditions for the revocation.

Certain implementations described herein provide the means to implement an upcoming transfer in a virtual world, including identifying a particular virtual item or virtual right that is capable of being transferred to a party that is a recipient, and establishingthat the future transfer of that particular virtual object or virtual right from a donor party to the recipient party is subject to being revoked. Other characteristics include the ability to create a tentative transfer, and then implementing the transfer in the event that it is initiated by a disqualification feature which involves the donor.

Certain embodiments provide a means to end a transfer in a virtual universe, including enabling the virtual world patron or its associated character be a donor party that is authorized to make a subsequent transfer of one or more specific virtual objects or virtual rights to a party receiving the rights and also establishing confirmation of a required real-world or virtual world disqualification prior to initiating the next transfer. Additional features may include the determination of whether the criteria for revocation of the future transfer has been determined and then completing the transfer to the recipient in the event that the requirements for revocation have not been set.

Some embodiments are implemented in an application for computers that has program instructions configured to perform an operation that associates data within a computer system. The method could include providing a virtual world environment that allows a donor to make arrangements for an upcoming transfer of a virtual object or virtual right to a recipient, allowing a tentative transfer of the virtual object or right to the receiver based on an event that disqualifies the donor party, and making it possible to revoke the tentative transfer based on relevant information that indicates that the disqualification was removed or corrected, or cured.

A computer program embodiment may incorporate computer readable signal-bearing media including an storage medium as well as a communication medium for encoding the instructions.

A simple process could be encoded onto signal transmission media as well as storage media in some computer program embodiments. This is possible for multiple virtual world patrons who can sign in at various locations. Other computer program productembodiments may have an exemplary procedure encoded on storage and/or signal transmission media that can perform functioning on a local computer apparatus that is accessible to a single virtual world user.

Transactions involving virtual environments that are described in this document may be entered into by many types of entities or parties depending on the advantages arising out of embodiments andimplementations.

The following drawings and descriptions will assist you in understanding the benefits, features and additional features of the preferred versions.

Click here to view the patent on USPTO website.  

Get Patents with PatentPC

What is a patent?

Patents are issued by the government to protect an invention. The patent grants the inventor the exclusive right to develop, utilize and sell the invention. Society gains when new technology is brought to market. These benefits may be directly realized when people can accomplish feats previously unattainable and indirectly by the opportunities for economic growth that innovation provides (business expansion, job creation).

A lot of pharmaceutical companies and university researchers seek patent protection for their work and research. A patent can cover an abstract or physical product or process, or the method or formulation of material that are new to the field. Patent protection must be granted to an invention that is useful, novel, and not previously known to others in the same area.

Patents give inventors a chance to be recognized for commercially viable inventions. They provide a reason for inventors to come up with new ideas. Small businesses and inventors are sure that they will earn a return on their investment in technology development via patents. They could earn a decent income through their work.

Businesses with the ability to:

Create and protect innovative products and services;

Enhance the value, popularity, and appeal of your product on the market

Make your brand stand out from the competition.

Find out about business and technical information.

Be careful not to accidentally use third-party content or you risk losing important information or creative outputs as well as other outputs.

Patents effectively transform the inventor’s knowledge into a marketable asset that opens up new possibilities for employment creation and growth of business through licensing or joint ventures.

Small companies that have patent protection are more attractive to investors involved in the development and commercialization of technology.

Patenting can generate new ideas and new inventions. This information can promote creativity and could be eligible for patent protection.

Patents can be used to prevent untrustworthy third parties from profiting from the invention’s efforts.

Patent-protected technology that is commercially viable can be used to finance research and development (R&D) that will improve the chances for better technology in the future.

Intellectual ownership of property can be used to convince lenders and investors that there are real chances to commercialize your product. One patent that is powerful could provide numerous financing options. You can utilize patents and other IP assets as collateral or security financing. Investors can also see the patents you own to boost the value of their company. Forbes and other sources have pointed out that every patent could add anything from $500,000 to a million dollars in company valuation.

Startups require a carefully-crafted business plan that is built on the IP to demonstrate your product or service is distinctive, superior, or innovative. Additionally, investors will be impressed if you can show that your IP rights are secure or are in progress of being secure and that they support your business strategy.

It is crucial to keep your invention secret until you file for patent protection. Making an invention public before it is filed can often destroy its novelty and render it patent-infringing. The filing of disclosures prior to filing, for example, for investors, test-marketing, or any other business partners, is best done after signing a confidentiality contract.

There are several types of patents and knowing these is vital to safeguard your invention. Utility patents are for new processes and machine creations. Design patents cover ornamental designs. Patents for utility are the best option and protect the owner against copycats and other competitors. Utility patents are often granted to improve or alter existing inventions. Utility patents can also be used to cover improvements and modifications to existing inventions. A process patent will be a way to describe the actions or methods to perform a specific action. However, a chemical composition could be an amalgamation of ingredients.

What is the typical length of a patent? Patents that are utility-related last 20 years after the earliest filing dates, but their expiration dates can be extended because of delays in the patent office such as.

Are you interested in patenting your ideas? Patents are granted only for applicants who are first to file You must file quickly – call PatentPC to speak with a patent attorney PatentPC to patent your idea now!

When drafting an application for patents, you should do an internet search for patents, since it will provide you with some insights into other people’s concepts. You’ll be able to limit the nature of your idea. In addition, you can discover the latest technology in your field of invention. You’ll have a better idea of what your invention should be and be more prepared to submit the patent application.

How to Search for Patents

Patent searches are the initial step towards obtaining your patent. You can do a google patent search or do a USPTO search. Patent-pending refers to the product covered by the patent application. It is possible to search for the public pair to locate the patent application. Once the patent office has approved your application, you’ll be able to do a patent number search to find the patent that was issued. Your product now has the potential to be patent-able. In addition to the USPTO search engine, you can use other search engines like espacenet as described below. Patent lawyers or a patent attorney can advise you on the procedure. Patents in the United States are granted by the US trademark and patent office, also known as the United States patent office and trademark office. This office also evaluates trademark applications.

Are you looking for similar patents? Here are the steps to follow:

1. Brainstorm terms to describe your invention, based on its purpose, composition, or use.

Begin by writing down a succinct detailed description of your invention. Avoid using generic terms like “device”, “process,” or “system”. Instead, think about synonyms for the terms you selected initially. Then, note important technical terms, as well as key words.

Use the questions below to help you determine keywords or concepts.

  • What’s the purpose of the invention? Is it a utilitarian device or an ornamental design?
  • Is the invention a way of making something or performing a function? Are you referring to an item?
  • What is the structure of the invention? What is the invention’s physical composition?
  • What is the goal of this invention?
  • What are the technical terms and keywords that describe the nature of an invention? To assist you in finding the appropriate terms, use a technical dictionary.

2. Use these terms to find relevant Cooperative Patent Classifications on the Classification Text Search Tool. To find the most appropriate classification for your invention, scan the classification’s class Schemes (class schedules). If you don’t get any results from the Classification Text Search, you may want to consider replacing the words that describe your invention with synonyms.

3. Examine 3. Go over the CPC Classification Definition to verify the accuracy of the CPC classification that you have found. The link to a CPC classification definition will be available in the event that the title of the classification is a blue square with a “D” on its left. CPC classification definitions will help you determine the applicable classification’s scope so that you can choose the most relevant. Additionally the definitions may include search tips and other suggestions that could be helpful in further investigation.

4. Get patent documents using the CPC classification from the Patents Full-Text and Image Database. You can look through and narrow down the relevant patent publications by choosing to focus first on abstract and drawings representative of.

5. Use this selection of the most relevant patent publications to study each one thoroughly for the similarities to your invention. Take note of the specifications and claims. Contact the applicant as well as the patent examiner for any additional patents.

6. You can retrieve published patent applications that meet the CPC classification that you chose in Step 3. You can use the same method of search as in Step 4. You can narrow your results down to the most relevant patent applications by looking at the abstract and drawings on each page. Next, carefully examine the patent applications published and pay particular attention to the claims and the additional drawings.

7. You can find other US patent publications using keyword search in AppFT or PatFT databases, and also the classification search of patents that are not from the United States in the following table. You can also use web search engines to search non-patent documents that describe inventions in the literature. Examples:

  • Add keywords to your search. Keyword searches may turn up documents that are not well-categorized or have missed classifications during Step 2. For example, US patent examiners often supplement their classification searches with keyword searches. Think about the use of technical engineering terminology rather than everyday words.
  • Search for foreign patents using the CPC classification. Then, re-run the search using international patent office search engines such as Espacenet, the European Patent Office’s worldwide patent publication database of over 130 million patent publications. Other national databases include:
  • Search non-patent literature. Inventions can be made public in many non-patent publications. It is recommended that you search journals, books, websites, technical catalogs, conference proceedings, and other print and electronic publications.

To review your search, you can hire a registered patent attorney to assist. A preliminary search will help one better prepare to talk about their invention and other related inventions with a professional patent attorney. In addition, the attorney will not spend too much time or money on patenting basics.