Capital One Services, LLC (McLean, VA)

Methods and systems are available for coordination of an Unmanned Vehicle (UV), which will authenticate delivery of products. One way of coordination of delivery is to instruct a customer device using a communications network to obtain the user’s preferences on delivery logistics. This could involve the preferences of the user being received by the device. The method may also include receiving user financial data from the server of a financial service provider. The method could also involve receiving real-time information that includes the location information of a UV and the device used by the user. If authentication is successful, based on user preferences, financial data and real-time information, then the method can authorize the shipment of the parcel. If the delivery was approved, the method may include sending to the UV an order to complete the delivery. If the delivery is not authorized, the method could also involve sending to the UV an abort order.

Numerous industries are moving to autonomous vehicles (UVs) rapidly. Among various applications of UV, delivering goods and products is one of the most widely known and obvious. Many companies are examining the potential of UV delivery, specifically to solve the issue of “last mile” deliveries. For instance, a well-known pizza chain has successfully completed the first pizza delivery commercially via drone in 2016. A box of sunscreen as well as books was also transported by a different retailer.

Security issues increase as UV delivery is expanded to cover a wider variety of items such as financial products. UVs such as drones in flight, can bring more attention to UVs, making them more vulnerable to data compromise or theft. Customers want immediate access to financial products such as bank services, and financial records. Some consumers prefer having their financial items delivered directly to them, instead of waiting in an ATM or on a post or courier. For instance, customers might prefer to have the package delivered directly by their bank instead of relying upon delivery services or postal couriers, which could be moresusceptible to human error. Additionally, for security reasons, consumers may be required to be at the delivery site to receive and confirm the delivery. Customers may wish to be flexible and permit the delivery to take place even if they’re not present.

For example, some sellers may demand cash payment from a customer, however the consumer might not have any cash on hand. Consumers may have look for an automated ATM (ATM) near their home. There’s also the possibility that ATM lines are long or that the ATM doesn’t work after a customer finds one. In addition, ATMs pose security risks due to what’s known as ATM skimming, which is when thieves make use of hidden electronic devices to take personal data stored on a credit or debit card at an ATM. There are also security risks because of the possibility that someone could see your personal data whenever you use an ATM. In addition, ATM users tend to be able to withdraw cash.

Customers could also lose their debit or credit card, get their debit or credit card stolen, or even become victims to account fraud. In these instances the banking institution of the consumer may send the consumer the replacement debit or credit card through the postal service, or the user could visit an area bank to obtain a new card. The process could be lengthy and could prevent customers from having access to their money until they have been issued a new card. Delivery of replacement credit or debit cards can be costly and risky because it may need a person to deliver the card.

Customers might require important documents quickly. A consumer might need cashier’s check to pay for a bill or sign an agreement. But movement and delivery ofcontracts and other important documents may take a long time and be expensive due to the fact that human delivery could be necessary, and could be a security risk.

An easy, on-demand quick, secure, and efficient method to provide goods to consumers is needed to improve the current system and method of providing access to financial goods.

The disclosed embodiments contain methods and systems to coordinate a UV to verify the delivery of products.

According to the inventions described, there are systems to coordinate the delivery of a package through UV servers. A UV server system that coordinates a delivery may include one or more communication interfaces configured to communicate with aUV and a device used by the user. The UV may include an Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver. A GNSS receiver can also be included in the user device. The system may also include several memory devices storing instructions for processors and one or more processors that are configured to execute the instructions to perform tasks. These memory devices may be used to store preferences for delivery logistics. The memory devices could also store user financial data.

The operations may include receiving real-time information that includes information on the location of the UV and the user device. The operations may also include authorizing the delivery of the package when an authentication process is satisfied according to the preferences of the user and financial information of the user as well as the information in real-time. The process could also comprise sending to the UV a command to complete the delivery, if the delivery is authorized. The operations may also include sending to theUV an abort command.

Methods for coordinating the delivery of a package by UV servers in accordance to the inventions are offered. A method can include instructing, via the communication network, a device to collect user preferences regarding deliverylogistics. The method could also involve receiving the user preferences from the device. It could also include receiving the user’s financial information from a financial service provider server. The method may also include receiving real-time informationcomprising location information of a UV and a user device. The method may also include authorizing the delivery of the package if an authentication process is satisfied based on the user preferences, the user financial data, and the real-timeinformation. If the delivery is approved, the method may include sending the UV an order to complete the delivery. The method could also involve sending to the UV an abort command, in the event that the delivery is not approved.

The general description above as well as the detailed description that follows are only examples and explanations and do not limit the claims.

Click here to view the patent on USPTO website.


Get Patents with PatentPC

What is a patent?

A patent is granted by the government to protect an invention, patents give the inventor with the exclusive right to create, use to sell, and market the invention? society gains when a new technology is brought to the market. The benefits can be realized directly when people can perform feats previously thought impossible, or indirectly through the economic benefits that innovation offers (business growth, jobs).

Patent protection is demanded by many universities and pharmaceutical companies for their work in research and development. A patent can cover a physical or abstract product or process or an approach or composition of materials unique to the field. To be granted patent protection the invention must be useful, new, and not apparent to others within the same field.

Patents recognize and give inventors a reward for commercially profitable inventions. They provide a motivation for inventors to come up with new ideas. Small businesses and inventors can be certain that they will receive a good return on their investment in the development of technology. It means that they can make a living by their work.

Patents play essential roles in companies, and they can:

Secure new products and services that are innovative;

Enhance the visibility and worth of your product’s presence on the market

Differentiate your business and products from the rest;

Find business and technical information.

Beware of accidentally using content from third parties or losing important information, original outputs, or any other outputs that are creative.

Patents transform inventor’s knowledge into an asset that can be sold, which opens up new opportunities for job creation by licensing joint ventures and joint ventures.

Investors involved in the development and commercialization of technology will find small companies with patent protection to be more attractive.

Patenting can generate innovative ideas and inventions. These information may be eligible for protection under patents.

Patents can serve as an obstacle to unscrupulous third parties who profit from the invention’s success.

Revenues from patent-protected technology that are commercially successful can be used to finance technological research and development (R&D) that will boost the likelihood of improved technology in the near future.

Intellectual property ownership can be used to convince lenders and investors that there are legitimate opportunities to market your product. One patent that is powerful could open the door for many financing opportunities. You can use patents and other IP assets as collateral or security for financing. Investors can also see your patent assets to boost the value of their company. Forbes and other sources have stated that each patent could increase the value of a company by anything between $500,000 and $1 million.

A well-constructed business plan is essential for start-ups. It should be built on IP and explain the way your product or service is distinctive. Investors will also be amazed if your IP rights are secured or are in the process of becoming secure, and if they agree with your business strategy.

It is crucial to keep the invention secret before submitting a patent application. The public disclosure of an invention can be detrimental to its originality and render it invalid. Therefore, pre-filing disclosures (e.g., for test-marketing investors, test-marketing, or for other business partners) should only be filed upon signing a confidentiality contract.

There are many kinds of patents and knowing the different types is crucial to protect your invention. Patents on utility cover new processes and machine creations. Design patents cover ornamental designs. Utility patents are the best since they protect the proprietor from copycats and other competition. Utility patents are often issued to improve or modify existing inventions. Utility patents also cover improvements and changes to existing inventions. A process patent could cover the acts or methods to perform a specific action. However, a chemical composition will include the combination of components.

What is the length of time a patent will last? Although utility patents are valid up to 20 years from their initial filing, they are able to be extended through delay in the patent office.

Do you want to patent your ideas? Patents are only granted to the first-to-file applicants therefore you need to file your patent application quickly. Call PatentPC today to get your patent application approved!

When you’re writing an application for patents it is recommended to conduct a patent search. the search can provide some insights into other people’s ideas. You’ll be able reduce the scope of your idea. Furthermore, you’ll learn about state of the technological advancements in your field of innovation. This will help you to understand the scope of your invention and help prepare for the filing of your patent application.

How to Search for Patents

The first step in getting your patent is to do an internet search for patents. You can do a google patent search or do a USPTO search. Once the patent application is filed, the product covered by the application can be described as patent-pending. you will be able to locate the patent application online on the public pair. When the patent office approves the patent application, you can do a patent number search to find the patent that was issued, and your product is now patented. In addition to the USPTO search engine, you can use other search engines, such as espacenet, which is described below. Patent lawyers or a patent attorney can assist you with the procedure. Patents granted in the United States are granted by the US trademark and patent office, or the United States patent office. The office also examines trademark applications.

Are you interested in finding similar patents? These are the steps you should follow:

1. Brainstorm terms to describe your invention in relation to its intended composition, use, or purpose.

Write down a succinct and precise description of your invention. Don’t use generic terms like “device”, “process,” or “system”. Instead, think about synonyms for the terms you chose initially. Also, make note of key technical terms and key words.

To help you identify the key words and concepts, try the following questions.

  • What is the objective of the invention? Is it a utilitarian device or an ornamental design?
  • Is invention a way to come up with something or to perform some function? Or is it a product or procedure?
  • What is the composition and function of the invention? What is the physical makeup of the invention?
  • What’s the purpose of this invention?
  • What are the terms in the technical field and keywords used to describe the nature of an invention? A technical dictionary will help you identify the correct words.

2. These terms will let you search for pertinent Cooperative Patent Classifications using the Classification Search Tool. To determine the most suitable classification for your invention, scan the class scheme of the classification (class schedules). Think about substituting the words that you’ve used for describing your invention, if you fail to find any results in your Classification Text Search with synonyms similar to the words you used in the first step.

3. Examine the CPC Classification Definition for confirmation of the CPC classification you’ve found. If the selected classification title is a blue box that has the letter “D” at its left, the hyperlink will take you to the CPC classification definition. CPC classification definitions will aid you in determining the classification’s scope of application so that you can select the one that is most appropriate. Additionally the definitions may include some tips for searching and other information that may be useful to further study.

4. Get patent documents using the CPC classification from the Patents Full-Text and Image Database. You can review and find the most relevant patent publications focusing first on the abstract and representative drawings.

5. Use this selection of the most pertinent patent documents to study each in detail for similarity to your own invention. Pay close attention to the specifications and claims. It is possible to find additional patents by consulting the patent examiner and the applicant.

6. Find patent applications published in the public domain using the CPC classification you chose in Step 3 in the Applications Full-Text and Image Database. The same method of searching is applicable to Step 4. You can filter the results of your search to find the most pertinent patent applications by reviewing the abstracts and drawings for every page. Next, examine the patent applications that have been published carefully with particular attention paid to the claims, and other drawings.

7. You can search for additional US patent publications by keyword search in AppFT or PatFT databases, as well as classification search to find non-U.S. Patents as described below. Additionally, you can make use of search engines on the internet to find non-patent literature disclosures about inventions. Here are some examples:

  • Add keywords to your search. Keyword searches may turn up documents that are not well-categorized or have missed classifications during Step 2. For example, US patent examiners often supplement their classification searches with keyword searches. Think about the use of technical engineering terminology rather than everyday words.
  • Search for foreign patents using the CPC classification. Then, re-run the search using international patent office search engines such as Espacenet, the European Patent Office’s worldwide patent publication database of over 130 million patent publications. Other national databases include:
  • Search non-patent literature. Inventions can be made public in many non-patent publications. It is recommended that you search journals, books, websites, technical catalogs, conference proceedings, and other print and electronic publications.

To review your search, you can hire a registered patent attorney to assist. A preliminary search will help one better prepare to talk about their invention and other related inventions with a professional patent attorney. In addition, the attorney will not spend too much time or money on patenting basics.