NEC Corporation (Tokyo, JP)

A method of formation to create an extremely fine structure in the workpiece (30) by using an isotropic-etching method. A mask (32 34), with an opening (36) is affixed to the workpiece. The workpiece is then etched with an acid (38) to create a recess (41) that is in line with the shape of the opening on the surface of the piece. The recess is filled with an etching solution, which melts the control for etching of the workpiece. This stops the workpiece from being etched.

The present invention aims to provide a method for making finely-structured components with an isotropic-etching procedure. This allows large-sized substrates to be uniformly and equally treated with low cost to form the finely-structured portions of large-sized substrates.

The invention also intends to produce a highly-structured high-quality, high-end part made using the above mentioned technique of formation.

Another object of the invention is to make an item that makes use of such a highly-structured and finely-crafted component.

A method for creating the workpiece with a finely-structured structure using an isotropic process in accordance with an aspect of the present invention is disclosed. The method of formation involves applying a mask, having at least one opening to the workpiece, and cutting the workpiece using an etching solution in order to create a recess, which is similar to the shape of the opening, in a area of the workpiece. The etching of the workpieceis stopped due to the control component for etching eluted out of the workpiece within the etching solution the recess as part of the isotropic etching process.

The eluted control element for etching may react with the etchant component of the etching solution and cause insoluble matter to form in the solution for etching. The accumulation of insoluble matter on the recess’s interior surface results in the halting of the process of etching.

The etching-control component may comprise at least one component from the following group of components: aluminum oxide, magnesium oxide potassium oxide, calcium oxide, strontium dioxide, barium oxide, lithium oxide, sodium oxide, cesium oxide zincoxide and lead oxide. The etchant component could comprise fluoric acid.

Insoluble matter could remain in the solution used for etching. The insoluble matter could accumulate on the inside surface of a recess, leading to a stoppage of the etching process. In this case, theetching-control component is comprised of at a minimum one from the list of calcium fluoride and potassium fluoride. aluminum fluoride, barium fluoride, strontium , and magnesium fluoride. The etchant ingredient could comprise fluoric acid.

Click here to view the patent on USPTO website.


Get Patents with PatentPC

What is a patent?

Patents are granted by the government to protect an invention. The patent grants the inventor the right to create, use and sell the invention. Society gains when new technology is introduced for sale. These benefits may be realized immediately as people are able to achieve previously impossible feats and indirectly by the economic opportunities which innovation can bring (business growth, employment).

A lot of pharmaceutical companies and researchers at universities seek patent protection for their work and research. Patents can be granted for the creation of a product, process or method for making new materials. Patent protection must be granted to any invention that is valuable or novel and is not yet known by other people in the same area.

Patents give inventors a chance to be recognized for commercially viable inventions. They provide a reason for inventors to come up with new ideas. Small-scale businesses and inventors can be certain that they will receive the most return from their investment in technology development through patents. They could earn a decent income by their work.

Businesses that have the capacity to:

Secure the latest products and services;

Improve the visibility and the value of your products ‘ presence on the market

Your business and your products should be distinguished from others;

Find out about business and technical information.

Be careful not to accidentally use third-party content or risking losing important information or creative outputs as well as other outputs.

Patents transform inventors’ information into a tradeable asset, which creates new opportunities for job creation and expansion of businesses through joint ventures or licensing.

Investors who are involved in the commercialization and development of technology will appreciate small-scale businesses that have patent protection appealing.

Patenting can generate fresh ideas and innovative inventions. These information may be eligible for protection under patents.

Patents can be used to serve as a deterrent to untrustworthy third parties profiting from the efforts of an invention.

Patent-protected technology that is commercially profitable could be used to finance technological research and development (R&D) which will increase the chance of better technology in future.

It is possible to use intellectual property ownership to convince investors and lenders that your product has real commercial potential. Sometimes, a single patent could open the door to numerous financing opportunities. You can use patents and other IP assets as collateral or security for financing. Investors may also look at the patents you own to boost the value of their company. Forbes and others have pointed out that each patent can increase anywhere from $500,000 to one million dollars to your company’s valuation.

Startups require a carefully-crafted business plan that builds on the IP to show that your product/service is unique and superior or ingenuous. Additionally, investors will be impressed if you can prove that your IP rights are secured or are is in the process of becoming secure and that they align with your business strategy.

It is important to keep your invention private until you submit a patent application for protection. Public disclosure of an invention before it is filed can often destroy its novelty and make it ineligible for patent protection. Thus, disclosures that are filed prior to filing (e.g. for testing-marketing investors, test-marketing, or any other business partners) should only be filed upon signing a confidentiality contract.

There are many kinds of patents. Understanding the different types of patents is vital to safeguard your invention. Utility patents cover inventions and processes that are new. Design patents cover ornamental designs. Utility patents are the most beneficial since they protect the proprietor from copycats and other competitors. Frequently the utility patents are issued for alterations or improvements to existing inventions. Utility patents also cover enhancements and modifications to existing inventions. For example, a process patent covers acts or methods of doing a specific act, whereas a chemical composition will include the combination of components.

What is the typical length of patents? Utility patents last 20 years from the earliest date they were filed, but their expirations can be extended because of delays at the patent office, for example.

Are you interested in the patenting of your idea? As patents are only granted to applicants who file first, you need to file quickly – call a patent attorney at PatentPC to protect your idea now!

When drafting a patent application it is recommended to conduct a patent search. it will provide you with some insights into other people’s concepts. It will help you reduce the nature of your idea. Also, you can learn about the technological advancements in your field of invention. This will assist you in comprehend the scope of your invention and prepare you to file the patent application.

How to Search for Patents

A patent search is the initial step in obtaining your patent. You can do a google patent search or do a USPTO search. Patent-pending is the term for the product covered by the patent application. You can use the public pair to find the patent application. Once the patent office has approved your application, you’ll be able to do an examination of the patent number to discover the patent granted. The product you are selling will be patented. Alongside the USPTO search engine, you can also utilize other search engines such as espacenet as described below. It is possible to seek help from an attorney who specializes in patents. In the US patents are issued by the US patent and trademark office or the United States patent and trademark office, which is also responsible for examining trademark applications.

Are you looking for similar patents? These are the steps to follow:

1. Create a list of terms to describe your invention based upon the purpose, composition and use.

Write down a short, but precise description of the invention. Do not use generic terms like “device”, “process” and “system”. Think about synonyms for the terms you picked initially. Also, keep track of important technical terms and key words.

To help you recognize keywords and concepts, use the following questions.

  • What’s the purpose of this invention? Is it a utilitarian device or an ornamental design?
  • Is the invention a way of creating something or performing a function? Or is it a product or process?
  • What is the structure of the invention? What is the physical composition of the invention?
  • What is the goal of this invention?
  • What are the terms in the technical field and keywords used to describe the nature of an invention? To find the right terms, refer to an online dictionary of technical terms.

2. Use these terms to search for pertinent Cooperative Patent Classifications for your invention at the Classification Text Search Tool. To determine the most suitable classification to your invention, scan the classification’s class Schemes (class schedules). Think about substituting the words you’re using to describe your invention if you fail to get any results from the Classification Text Search with synonyms similar to the words you used in Step 1.

3. Go through 3. Go over the CPC Classification Definition to verify the relevancy of the CPC classification that you have found. The hyperlink to a CPC classification definition will be available in the event that the title of the chosen classification contains a blue box with “D” on its left. CPC classification definitions will help identify the specific classification’s range, so you are sure to select the most relevant. Additionally they can provide some tips for searching and other information that could be useful to further study.

4. Retrieve patent documents with the CPC classification from the Patents Full-Text and Image Database. By focusing on the abstracts and illustrations it is possible to narrow your search to the most relevant patent publications.

5. Utilize this selection of most pertinent patent documents to study each one in depth for any similarity to your own invention. Take note of the claims and specifications. Consult the applicant and patent examiner to obtain additional patents.

6. Retrieve published patent applications with the CPC classification you selected in Step 3 from the Applications Full-Text and Image Database. The similar search strategy can be employed as step 4. You can narrow your search results in order to locate the most pertinent patent applications by reading the abstracts as well as the drawings for every page. Next, carefully examine the published patent applications and pay particular attention to the claims and the additional drawings.

7. Locate additional US patents by keyword searching in PatFT or AppFT databases, searching for classification of non-U.S. patents as described below, and searching non-patent patent disclosures in the literature of inventions using internet search engines. Examples:

  • Add keywords to your search. Keyword searches may turn up documents that are not well-categorized or have missed classifications during Step 2. For example, US patent examiners often supplement their classification searches with keyword searches. Think about the use of technical engineering terminology rather than everyday words.
  • Search for foreign patents using the CPC classification. Then, re-run the search using international patent office search engines such as Espacenet, the European Patent Office’s worldwide patent publication database of over 130 million patent publications. Other national databases include:
  • Search non-patent literature. Inventions can be made public in many non-patent publications. It is recommended that you search journals, books, websites, technical catalogs, conference proceedings, and other print and electronic publications.

To review your search, you can hire a registered patent attorney to assist. A preliminary search will help one better prepare to talk about their invention and other related inventions with a professional patent attorney. In addition, the attorney will not spend too much time or money on patenting basics.