A metaverse system consists of a client computer coupled to a network, a metaverse server coupled to the client’s computer, the metaverse server hosting applications that are metaverse and an engine for group links that is connected to the server. The engine initiates the link when it receives the request of the user. A linked group connected to the connection consists of at least two linked users, and at least one of them is identified as the leader, and each of the at least two linked users has an avatar different from the avatar that is associated with the other. The group controller built in the engine , allowing the leader of the group to control an action by a second avatar of a different user. The action of the second avatar can be seen separately from the avatar of at least one linked users that is designated as the leader.

The term metaverse is often used to describe a completely immersive 3D virtual world that is an environment in which humans are represented by an avatar. Users can interact with each other economically and socially via their avatars, as together with software agents in the cyberspace. The virtual environment in a metaverse is built upon the concept of the actual world but in most cases, without the physical limitations of the actual world. In a metaverseapplication, such as Second Life.RTM., users are allowed to have friends, create groups, and talk and mingle with strangers, fly, and teleport to different locations, and different metaverses.

Sometimes, a user might wish to join forces with others and move across the metaverse application as an entire group. For instance avatar A, avatar B, and avatar C may wish to go to an event together. Each user’s avatar can travel to the event with the control of the individual user. In addition, the person who is avatar A is able to control their avatar to go to the event, and then send invitations to avatar B and C asking them to teleport to the event and join in. If an avatar teleports into an event at the request of an additional user and lands right next to the person who has sent the invitation. If all avatars are at an event in a group, they might want to remain in the same place. This might mean that they move around a certain area for example, like browsing a shopping center within the .

Conventionally, each user controls his or her avatar independently from the rest of the group. In certain situations it is possible to stay together as a group. can be difficult since each person must keep track of the movements of the avatars of the other users to know where that the group is headed. This can be more challenging when a user in the group is able to control their avatar’s flight or teleport to another place. To allow the remaining participants to come together with the avatar who was teleported or flew away each user determines the exact location of the avatar that departed the group. After that, each participant is able to control their avatar to the same place however the avatar that first departed might have relocated from that location. Auser can ask for an invitation to teleport from the person who left the group to teleport to that user. To allow a group of avatars to stay together as a group each avatar tracks the movements of all other avatars in the group, as well as what the group is doing at the moment like shopping. The current solution for maintaining a group of avatars within an application has limitations because each member attempts to track the location of the other avatars in the group.

The embodiments of a system are described. One of the systems is an system that lets a user manage a group avatars in a application within an organization. A computer client is connected to an internet network, an web server is linked to the client, and a group engine is connected to the Web server. The server hosts the app over the network. When a request is made by a user, the group connection engine creates an open connection for the group. A linked group that is linked to a group connection should have at minimum two members. At least one member of these users is identified as a leader of the linkedgroup that is associated with the link connection group. Each of the two linked users is assigned an avatar that is different from the avatar that is associated with the other linked user that is designated as leader. The group link engine has a group controller that permits the leader to control the action by a second avatar of another user. You can view the action of the second avatar independently from the avatars that are associated with at the very least one user linked to them that is designated as the leader.

The leader is able to control the group’s walking, flying, running, and teleportation in certain embodiments. The leader might also be in a position to control an action of the group using the controller for group links. Exemplarygroup gestures include group hand waving, group clapping of hands, group sitting down, laughter in the group, and dancing.

In some embodiments, the system also includes a group link configuration engine to issue a group link invitation to a user to join a linked group. The group link configuration engine links an individual user to the link connection after acceptance by the other user. The engine for group link configuration may also set a maximum size limit in order to restrict the number of users who can join the linkedgroup. In some instances the engine for group configuration also ends the group link connection. In certain embodiments the group link controller saves a plurality of group actions on a storage device when it receives the request of a member within a linked group. This saves the group’s movements in a variety of groups. The controller for group links may permit at least one user to decline to take the leader’s action to influence the avatar. The group link controller is able to determine the direction of a group’s movements by responding to input commands from the leader of the linked groups.

In certain instances the group activities that which the leader is able to control may include a cascaded movement where a member in the linked group is ranked in a predetermined order to allow an action initiated by the leader to be carried out by the leader first, and following a predetermined time, the user performs the movement in accordance with the rank of the user within the group linked to it. The group’s actions also include the delayed teleport where a leader teleports to a new location apart from the rest of the linked group, and after a predetermined delay, the remainder of the linked group is then teleported to the new location. The group’s movement also includes an authentic teleport, which is when the leader is teleported to a new location , separated from the remainderof the linked group. Then, the remainder of the linked group teleports to the new location in response to a confirmation by the leader to travel to the new location. Additional embodiments of the system are described.

Examples of the method are further described. One embodiment of the method is a method for controlling a group avatars within a application. An embodiment of the method involves opening a group link connection in response to the request of a user to open the group link connection. A linked group connected to the group link connection comprises at minimum two linked users. One of the linked users is identified as the leader of the linked group associated with the group linkconnection. The method also involves controlling the actions of a number of avatars from the linked group associated with the link connection of the group in response to an input command by the group leader. Different methods are also described.

There are also examples of an apparatus. One type of apparatus is to create a linked group comprised of every metaverse user and an avatar from an application called Metaverse. The group leader is one of the Metaverse members. The apparatus also has a mechanism to control an action of all avatars of the linked group in response to an action taken by the avatar associated with the leader of the linked group of metaverse users, and the actions of each avatar belonging to the linked group may be seen separately. Other configurations of the device are described.

The following description of the invention will assist you in understanding the advantages and other aspects of the invention. It is accompanied by illustrations which illustrate the fundamentals of the invention.

Click here to view the patent on USPTO website.  

Get Patents with PatentPC

What is a patent?

Granted by the government to protect an invention a patent provides the inventor exclusive rights to use, create the invention, market and promote the invention? Society gains when a new technology is introduced into the marketplace. Benefits can be realized in the direct sense, since it allows people to accomplish previously unattainable things, or indirectly through the economic opportunities (business expansion and job opportunities) that innovation provides.

Patent protection is sought out by many pharmaceutical companies and university researchers for research and development. Patents are granted for a product, process, or method of creating new materials. In order to be granted protection under a patent, an invention must be novel, useful and not be obvious to others within the same area.

Patents recognize and give inventors a reward for commercially successful inventions. They provide a reason for inventors to come up with new ideas. Patents enable inventors and small businesses to be confident that there’s the possibility that they’ll receive a return for their efforts, time, and money invested in technological development. This means they will be able to earn a living from their work.

Patents play essential roles in businesses with the ability to:

Secure your products and services

Improve the visibility and the value of your products on market

Make your brand stand out from others.

Access technical and business knowledge and data;

Avoid accidentally using third-party content or losing valuable information, original outputs, or any other creative output.

Patents transform inventor’s knowledge into a valuable asset which opens up new opportunities to create jobs by licensing joint ventures and joint ventures.

Small businesses that have patent protection will be more attractive to investors involved in the commercialization and development of technology.

Patenting can generate new ideas and new inventions. These information may be eligible for protection under patents.

Patents can serve as an obstacle to unscrupulous third parties profiting from the efforts of an invention.

Commercially successful patent-protected technology revenues can be used to finance research and development (R&D), which will increase the chance of better technology in the near future.

It is possible to use intellectual property ownership to convince investors and lenders that your product has real commercial potential. Sometimes, a single patent could open the door to a variety of financing possibilities. You can use patents and other IP assets as collateral or security financing. Investors can also see the patents you own to boost the value of their company. Forbes and others have pointed out that each patent can increase between $500,000 and one million dollars to your company’s valuation.

Start-ups need a well-constructed business plan that builds on the IP to show that your product or service is distinctive, superior, or innovative. Investors will also be impressed if your IP rights are secure or are on the verge of becoming secure, and that they support your business strategy.

It is essential to protect an invention prior to filing a patent application. Public divulging an invention could frequently devalue its originality and render it invalid. The filing of disclosures prior to filing, for example, for investors, test-marketing or other business partners is best done after signing a confidentiality agreement.

There are a variety of patents. Understanding them is crucial to protect your invention. Utility patents are for new processes and machine creations. Design patents cover ornamental designs. Patents for utility are the most effective since they protect the owner from copycats and other competition. They are typically issued to improve or modify existing inventions. Utility patents also cover enhancements and modifications in existing inventions. For instance, a procedure patent will cover acts or methods for performing an action, while chemical compositions are an assortment of components.

How long does a patent last? Utility patents last 20 years from the earliest filing dates, but their expirations are able to be extended due to delays at the patent office for instance.

Do you want to patent your ideas? Patents are granted only to applicants who file first, therefore you need to file your patent application quickly. Call PatentPC today to get your patent application submitted!

A patent search is essential when writing an application for patent. This allows you to discover other ideas and give you insight into them. This will allow you to restrict the extent of your idea. You can also learn about the technological advancements in your field of invention. You’ll get a better understanding of what your idea should be, and you’ll be better prepared to write your patent application.

How to Search for Patents

A patent search is the initial step to getting your patent. You can do a google patent search or do a USPTO search. Once the patent application is filed, the item covered by the application can be described as patent-pending. you can locate the patent application on a public pair. When the patent office has endorsed the patent application, you are able to do a patent number search to locate the issued patent. Your product has now been granted a patent. You can also utilize the USPTO search engine. Check out the following article for more information. You can get help from an attorney who specializes in patents. Patents in the United States are granted by the US trademark and patent office, or the United States patent office. This office also reviews trademark applications.

Interested in finding more similar patents? Here are the steps you should follow:

1. Create a list of terms for your invention according to its function and composition or use.

Write down a brief, but precise description of the invention. Do not use generic terms like “device”, “process” and “system”. Think about synonyms for the terms you initially chose. Then, take note of important technical terms and key words.

To help you recognize terms and keywords, you can use the questions below.

  • What’s the purpose of this invention? Is it a utilitarian device or an ornamental design?
  • Invention is a method to make something or carry out a function? Is it a product or procedure?
  • What is the basis of the invention? What is the physical composition?
  • What is the goal of this invention?
  • What are the technical words and terms that describe the essence of an invention? A technical dictionary can assist you to locate the right words.

2. These terms enable you to look up relevant Cooperative Patent Classifications on the Classification Search Tool. To determine the most suitable classification to your invention, go through the resulting classification’s class Schemes (class schedules). You may want to consider substituting the terms you’re using for describing your invention, if you don’t get any results from your Classification Text Search with synonyms like the ones you used in the first step.

3. Examine the CPC Classification Definition to verify the accuracy of the CPC classification you’ve found. If the chosen classification includes a blue square with the letter “D” at its left, clicking on the link will direct you to a CPC classification’s description. CPC classification definitions can help you determine the applicable classification’s scope , so you can select the one that is most appropriate. They may also provide research tips or other suggestions that can be useful for further study.

4. Retrieve patent documents with the CPC classification from the Patents Full-Text and Image Database. You can search and select the relevant patent publications by looking first at abstract and representative drawings.

5. Take advantage of this list of most relevant patent publications to examine each one in depth for any the similarities to your own invention. Be sure to read the specification and claims. There are many patents available by referring to the patent examiner and applicant.

6. Retrieve published patent applications with the CPC classification you selected in Step 3 from the Applications Full-Text and Image Database. You can use the same search strategy as in Step 4. You can narrow your results down to the most relevant patent applications by examining the abstract and representative drawings on each page. Then, you must carefully review the patent applications published, paying particular attention to the claims and the additional drawings.

7. You can find additional US patent publications by keyword searching in AppFT or PatFT databases, and also the classification search of patents that are not from the United States per below. You can also use web search engines to search non-patent literature disclosures about inventions. Here are some examples:

  • Add keywords to your search. Keyword searches may turn up documents that are not well-categorized or have missed classifications during Step 2. For example, US patent examiners often supplement their classification searches with keyword searches. Think about the use of technical engineering terminology rather than everyday words.
  • Search for foreign patents using the CPC classification. Then, re-run the search using international patent office search engines such as Espacenet, the European Patent Office’s worldwide patent publication database of over 130 million patent publications. Other national databases include:
  • Search non-patent literature. Inventions can be made public in many non-patent publications. It is recommended that you search journals, books, websites, technical catalogs, conference proceedings, and other print and electronic publications.

To review your search, you can hire a registered patent attorney to assist. A preliminary search will help one better prepare to talk about their invention and other related inventions with a professional patent attorney. In addition, the attorney will not spend too much time or money on patenting basics.