In the fast-paced world of blockchain technology, securing your intellectual property (IP) can be the difference between leading the market and playing catch-up. For startups, this is particularly crucial. With limited resources and a pressing need to establish credibility, a well-thought-out patent strategy can be a game-changer. This article delves into ten effective patent filing strategies tailored for blockchain startups, offering insights that could make your patenting journey both successful and cost-effective.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understand the Importance of Timing
  3. Conduct Comprehensive Prior Art Research
  4. Consider Provisional Patents
  5. Think Globally
  6. Leverage Defensive Patenting
  7. Explore Collaborative Models
  8. Be Mindful of Open Source
  9. Invest in Quality Drafting
  10. Plan for Patent Maintenance
  11. Seek Professional Help
  12. Conclusion


The High Stakes of Blockchain Innovation

Blockchain technology is disrupting traditional industries, from finance and healthcare to supply chain management and beyond. As a startup in this space, you’re not just competing against other new ventures; you’re also up against established giants looking to pivot into blockchain. In this high-stakes environment, having a robust patent strategy can give you a critical edge.

Why Startups Need a Tailored Strategy

Startups face unique challenges when it comes to patenting, including budget constraints, a lack of in-house legal expertise, and the urgent need to move quickly. This article aims to address these challenges by offering strategies specifically designed for the needs and constraints of startups.

#1. Understand the Importance of Timing

The First-to-File System

In most jurisdictions, including the United States, the patent system operates on a “first-to-file” basis. This means that the first person to file a patent application for an invention is the one who gets the patent, regardless of who came up with the idea first. In the fast-moving world of blockchain, being even a day late can cost you dearly.

Strategic Early Filing

Assess Market Viability

Before you rush to file a patent, assess the market viability of your invention. Conduct market research to understand the demand and potential applications of your technology. This will help you decide whether the cost and effort of filing a patent are justified.

Align with Business Goals

Your patent filing strategy should align with your broader business goals. If you’re planning to launch a product based on the patented technology within a year, then early filing becomes even more critical.

The Risks of Filing Too Early or Too Late

Too Early

Filing too early, especially before you’ve fully developed your invention, can result in a weak patent that doesn’t offer adequate protection.

Too Late

On the flip side, filing too late exposes you to the risk of someone else beating you to it, especially in a field as dynamic as blockchain.

#2. Conduct Comprehensive Prior Art Research

Why Prior Art Research is Non-Negotiable

Prior art research is not just a formality; it’s a critical step that informs the rest of your patenting strategy. Filing a patent without thorough prior art research is like sailing into stormy seas without a map—you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Tools and Resources

Patent Databases

Utilize multiple patent databases like the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), European Patent Office (EPO), and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for a comprehensive search.

Academic Journals

Don’t overlook academic journals and publications. Many groundbreaking ideas in blockchain are first published in academic settings.

Online Communities

Blockchain has a vibrant online community where ideas are freely discussed. Platforms like GitHub, Reddit, and specialized blockchain forums can offer valuable insights into existing technologies and trends.

#3. Consider Provisional Patents

The Value of a Provisional Filing

For startups operating on a shoestring budget and tight timelines, provisional patents can be a godsend. A provisional patent application allows you to secure a filing date (which is crucial in a first-to-file system) without the need for exhaustive claims or formalities.

Key Features of Provisional Patents

Lower Costs

Provisional patents are generally less expensive to file than non-provisional ones, making them ideal for startups that are still securing funding.


You have 12 months from the filing date of a provisional application to file a corresponding non-provisional application. This one-year period can be invaluable for startups to refine the invention, conduct market research, and secure funding.

Simplified Documentation

Provisional applications don’t require formal patent claims, abstracts, or declarations. A well-documented description of the invention is usually sufficient.

Strategic Use of the 12-Month Window

Refinement and Testing

Use the 12-month period to refine your technology and perhaps even launch a minimum viable product (MVP) to test the market.

Investor Outreach

Having a provisional patent can add credibility when you’re reaching out to investors. It shows that you’ve taken steps to protect your intellectual property.

#4. Think Globally

The Global Nature of Blockchain

Blockchain technology inherently transcends geographical boundaries. Whether it’s a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform or a supply chain solution, the chances are that your blockchain invention has global applications.

International Patent Filings

PCT Applications

The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) allows you to file a single international patent application that can then be used to seek patent protection in over 150 countries. For startups looking to scale globally, a PCT application can be a cost-effective way to secure international patent rights.

Direct National Filings

Alternatively, you can file directly in each country where you seek protection. This approach may be suitable if you’re targeting only specific markets.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

International filings can be expensive. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine whether the potential market size and competitive advantage justify the costs of international patent protection.

#5. Leverage Defensive Patenting

What is Defensive Patenting?

Defensive patenting involves securing patents not necessarily to assert them against others but to prevent competitors from patenting similar technologies. In the blockchain space, where open-source development is common, defensive patenting can be particularly useful.

Benefits for Startups

Freedom to Operate

By securing defensive patents, you ensure that you have the freedom to operate without the risk of infringement suits from competitors.

Strengthening Market Position

A robust patent portfolio can serve as a deterrent against competitors and can be a significant asset in investor pitches or acquisition talks.

#6. Explore Collaborative Models

The Rise of Patent Pools and Alliances

In industries marked by rapid innovation and complex technologies, collaborative models like patent pools and alliances are becoming increasingly popular. In a patent pool, multiple companies contribute their patents to a shared repository, and members of the pool can freely use each other’s technologies.

Benefits for Blockchain Startups

Reduced Litigation Risks

Being part of a patent pool can significantly reduce the risk of becoming embroiled in costly and time-consuming patent litigation.

Accelerated Innovation

Collaborative models can accelerate the pace of innovation by providing startups with access to a broader range of technologies and expertise.

Networking Opportunities

Participation in a patent alliance can offer invaluable networking opportunities, opening doors to potential partnerships, collaborations, and even acquisitions.

How to Join or Form a Patent Pool

Due Diligence

Before joining a patent pool, conduct thorough due diligence to understand the terms, the quality of patents in the pool, and the reputations of participating companies.

Ensure that the legal framework of the patent pool aligns with your startup’s strategic goals. This may involve consulting with IP attorneys experienced in collaborative patent models.

#7. Be Mindful of Open Source

The Open Source Paradox in Blockchain

Blockchain technology has deep roots in the open-source community. However, the open-source ethos can sometimes clash with the concept of patenting, which is fundamentally about exclusivity.

Navigating the Open Source Landscape

License Compatibility

If your blockchain technology builds upon open-source software, make sure to understand the terms of the open-source license. Some licenses may have clauses that could affect your ability to patent derivative works.

Community Perception

Be mindful of how your patenting efforts are perceived by the open-source community. Poorly received patent activities can result in backlash and could tarnish your startup’s reputation.

Strategic Coexistence

It’s possible to have a hybrid approach where certain components of your technology are patented while others are open-sourced. This can offer the best of both worlds, allowing you to protect key innovations while still contributing to the open-source ecosystem.

#8. Invest in Quality Drafting

The Importance of a Well-Drafted Patent

The strength of a patent lies in the quality of its drafting. A poorly drafted patent can be easily invalidated, rendering it useless as a protective tool.

Key Elements of Quality Drafting

Comprehensive Claims

The claims define the scope of your patent protection. They should be comprehensive enough to cover variations and potential workarounds.

Detailed Description

The patent description should be detailed enough that someone skilled in the field can replicate your invention. This not only satisfies legal requirements but also strengthens your patent against challenges.

Professional Illustrations

Quality illustrations can clarify complex concepts and provide a visual aid to support your claims. Investing in professional patent illustrators can be money well spent.

#9. Plan for Patent Maintenance

The Ongoing Costs of Patent Ownership

Obtaining a patent is not a one-time event but an ongoing commitment. Patents require maintenance fees at regular intervals to keep them in force. For a startup, these recurring costs need to be factored into the long-term financial planning.

Strategic Maintenance Planning

Budget Allocation

Allocate a portion of your budget specifically for patent maintenance. This ensures that you won’t find yourself in a situation where you have to abandon a valuable patent due to financial constraints.

Portfolio Review

Regularly review your patent portfolio to assess the relevance and value of each patent. As your business evolves, some patents may become less critical, and it might make financial sense to let them lapse to save on maintenance fees.

Licensing Opportunities

If a patent is not core to your current business but still holds value, consider licensing it to other companies. This can provide a revenue stream that can offset the costs of maintenance.

#10. Seek PatentPC’s Help!

The Complexity of Patent Law

Patent law is a specialized and complex field. While startups may be tempted to cut corners by not hiring professionals, this can be a costly mistake in the long run.

When to Consult Professionals

Prior Art Research

While initial research can be done in-house, a professional patent searcher can provide a more comprehensive and nuanced search, reducing the risk of overlooking critical prior art.

Patent Drafting

The drafting of the patent application is a skill that requires legal expertise and technical understanding. A poorly drafted application can result in a weak or invalid patent.

A patent attorney can help you formulate a legal strategy that aligns with your business goals, advising on issues like international filing, defensive patenting, and potential licensing opportunities.

Why You Should Choose PatentPC?

Well, three simple reasons….

Expertise in Blockchain

Choose professionals who have expertise in blockchain technology. The nuances of this field can significantly impact the strength and scope of your patent.

Track Record

Look for professionals with a proven track record in helping startups successfully navigate the patenting process.

Cost Structure

Be clear about the cost structure. Some professionals offer flexible payment options or discounted rates for startups.


The Strategic Imperative of Patenting for Startups

For blockchain startups, a well-executed patent strategy can offer a competitive edge, attract investment, and even pave the way for lucrative partnerships or acquisitions. However, the path to successful patenting is fraught with challenges that are magnified for startups operating under constraints of time, budget, and expertise.

Tailoring Your Strategy

The strategies outlined in this article are designed to address these unique challenges. From understanding the criticality of timing and comprehensive prior art research to leveraging provisional patents and exploring collaborative models, these strategies offer a roadmap tailored for the needs and realities of startups.

The Journey Ahead

Patenting is a long-term commitment that extends beyond the filing of the application. It requires ongoing vigilance, strategic planning, and, most importantly, alignment with your broader business objectives. As you embark on this journey, may these strategies serve as your guideposts, steering you toward success in the competitive and ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology.