Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Dhahran, SA)

The invention provides a tri-axial nuclear magnetic resonance device to test the petrophysical properties, as well as gathering geo-mechanical information , as well as methods of making use of the same. Tri-axial nuclear magnet resonance device comprises a triaxial load frame, which houses a triaxial load cells. It is comprised of at least one electrical sensor as well as at least one of the acoustic sensors along with a triaxial sample holder.

With the current environment of petroleum exploration and production, which is focused on maximising reservoir output through enhanced oil recovery (“EOR”), and a fierce battle to exploit unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs, it is essential that all stages of development cycles for reservoirs are improved. To evaluate the effectiveness of oil recovery it is essential to answer the fundamental questions about how exact reserve estimations were made and what the maximum recoverable recovery was calculated and how quickly production estimates were calculated. In the last 30 years, the oil industry has made great strides in answering these fundamental questions. But, with many of the reservoirs in the world operating at high production and unconventional drilling techniques being the norm, the need for improved accuracy of data and speed of delivery to aid in decision-making has gained importance. It is essential to have a precise efficient and cost-effective evaluation of reserve estimation maximumachievable recovery and the potential rate of production which can be conducted in a timely fashion.

Furthermore for the oil industry it is crucial to analyze the interaction between reservoir rocks and fluids with respect to the formation’s temperature and pressure. Temperature, pressure, and composition of reservoir fluids vary when they are created. These changes must be accurately modeled and their impact on the production process of the reservoir must be recognized. For this purpose, proper testing equipment, test design and various sensor technologies should be utilized to produce data that can help determine the behavior of reservoirs starting from exploration and ending with abandonment. Furthermore, the test techniques and test equipment need to be sophisticated so as to properly analyzeunconventional reservoirs, such as shale gas, tight gas sand (TGS), heavy oil, tar sand, hydrates, and depleted enhanced oil recovery reservoirs. The successful design and implementation of any unconventional reservoir or FOR mechanism (such as water,steam, chemical, thermal, and biological processes) must be studied under the right environment to achieve the desired results in an EOR treatment analysis.

In addition, the test data collected on reservoir retrieved core and fluid samples should have attributes to mimic the larger set of data that is continuously acquired in the course of logging, well testing and seismic data collection. The current NMRsetups available lack the ability to produce data under conditions of reservoirs.

One of the features of the invention is a triaxial magnetic resonance device that can be used to test the properties of petrophysical materials and collect geo-mechanical information. The tri-axial nuclear magnetic resonance device comprises a tri-axialload frame, which houses an tri-axial load chamber having tri-axial sample holders and at least one space that surrounds the tri-axial sample holder at least one cap on the end that can be used to connect the tri-axial load cell at least one electrical sensor at least one acoustic sensor and an instrument for nuclear magnetic resonance.

In a different way the invention offers the method for making use of tri-axial nuclear resonance device. To create a tri-axial loaded load cell, the method involves taking a sample from an accumulator. The loaded tri-axial load cell is then placed in contact with at least one end cap of the triaxial nuclear magnetic resonance apparatus. The fluid flow is then formed through at-least one cap and into the space around the triaxial sample-holder to create a triaxial pressure. Tri-axial pressures could be any combination of the pressures radial, axial, confining, and pore. The temperature control fluid is circulated around the tri-axial sample holder through the provision of the temperature control fluid via at least one cap to the at least one of the spaces surrounding the tri-axial holder to keep the temperature constant in the tri-axialsample holder during the analysis. The test fluid is supplied through at least one end cap to the loaded holders for the sample. A time dependent slice nuclear magnetic resonance scan of the sample is carried out using the nuclear magnetic resonanceinstrument. Analyzing the sample electrically using the at least one electrical sensor , and an acoustical analysis of the sample by using the at-least one acoustic sensors are also carried out.

Click here to view the patent on USPTO website.


Get Patents with PatentPC

What is a patent?

A patent is granted by the government to safeguard an invention. It grants the inventor the sole right to create, use and market the idea. Society is benefited when new technologies are brought to the market. These benefits may be directly realized as people are able to accomplish feats previously unattainable as well as indirectly through the opportunities for economic growth that innovation provides (business expansion, job creation).

Many pharmaceutical companies and researchers at universities seek protection under patents for their work and discoveries. Patents are granted for the creation of a product, process or method of creating new materials. Patent protection must be granted to an invention that is beneficial, novel, and not previously known to others in the same area.

Patents are awarded to inventors who have commercially viable inventions. They provide a reason for inventors to come up with new ideas. Patents permit small and emerging businesses and inventors to know that there is the possibility that they’ll receive a return for their time, effort, and money invested in technology development. It means that they can make a living by their work.

Patents play a vital role in businesses with the ability to:

Protect new products and services that are innovative;

Increase the value, visibility, and attractiveness of your products market;

Make your brand stand out from others.

Get technical and business information.

Avoid accidentally using third-party content or loosing valuable data, creative outputs or any other outputs that are creative.

Patents convert knowledge of the inventor into a valuable asset which creates new opportunities for job creation through joint ventures and licensing.

Investors involved in the commercialization and development of technology will appreciate small companies with patent protection to be more attractive.

Patenting can lead to the development of innovative ideas and inventions. The information you create may be eligible for patent protection.

Patents can serve as a deterrent to untrustworthy third parties profiting from an invention’s efforts.

Patent-protected technology revenue that is commercially profitable could be used for financing technological research and development (R&D) that can increase the chance for better technology in the future.

It is possible to use intellectual property ownership to convince lenders and investors that your product has real commercial value. A single patent could lead to multiple financing opportunities. You can use patents and other IP assets as collateral or security financing. Investors may also look at your patent assets in order to increase the value of your company. Forbes and other sources have pointed out that each patent can add anywhere from $500,000 to a million dollars in company valuation.

Startups require a carefully-crafted business plan that is built on the IP to demonstrate that your product/service is distinct and superior or ingenuous. Investors will be impressed when you have IP rights are secured or are in the process of becoming secure and they endorse your business plan.

It is vital to keep an invention secret prior to filing for patent protection. Making an invention public before it is filed can often destroy its novelty and render it unpatentable. Pre-filing disclosures, such as for investors, test-marketing or other business partners, must be done after signing a confidentiality contract.

There are a variety of patents. Understanding them is crucial to protect your invention. Utility patents cover new methods and inventions made by machines. Design patents cover ornamental designs. Patents for utility are the best option to protect the proprietor from copycats and other competitors. They are typically granted to enhance or modify existing inventions. Utility patents can also be used to cover improvements and modifications in existing inventions. A process patent would describe the methods or actions to perform a specific action. A chemical composition could be the combination of ingredients.

What’s the duration of a patent last? Although utility patents last up to 20 years from their initial filing, they can be extended through delay at the Patent Office.

Are you thinking of the patenting of your idea? As patents are only granted to applicants who file first You must make your application quickly. Contact an attorney for patents at PatentPC to protect your idea today!

Patent searches are a must when you’re writing the patent application. This allows you to see other ideas and give you insights into the potential of them. This will allow you to restrict the scope of your invention. Furthermore, you’ll discover the latest technological advancements in your field of innovation. You’ll get a better understanding of what your idea should be and will be better prepared for writing your patent application.

How to Search for Patents

The first step to obtain the patent you want is to do the patent search. You can do a google patent search or do a USPTO search. Once the patent application is filed, the product that is covered by the patent application could be described as patent-pending. you can locate the patent application online on the public pair. When the patent office approves the patent application, you will be able to do a patent number search to locate the registered patent and your product has now been granted a patent. You can also use the USPTO search engine. Read on for more details. A patent lawyer or patent attorney can help you through the process. In the US Patents are issued through the US patent and trademark office or the United States patent and trademark office, which also examines trademark applications.

Are you looking for similar patents? These are the steps to follow:

1. Think of terms that describe your invention, based on its purpose composition, use, or purpose.

Write down a short detailed explanation of your invention. Do not use generic terms such as “device,” “process,” and “system.” Instead, consider synonyms to the terms you chose initially. Next, take note of crucial technical terms as well as keywords.

To help you identify the key words and concepts, try the questions below.

  • What is the objective of the invention? Is it a utilitarian device or an ornamental design?
  • Is the invention a way of creating something or performing some function? Or is it a thing or procedure?
  • What is the nature and purpose of the invention? What is the physical constitution?
  • What is the purpose of this invention?
  • What are the technical terms and terms that define the nature of an invention? To help you find the appropriate terms, use an online dictionary of technical terms.

2. Use these terms to find relevant Cooperative Patent Classifications at the Classification Text Search Tool. To determine the most suitable classification for your invention, look through the resulting classification’s class Schemes (class schedules). Consider substituting the words you use to describe your invention if you do not find any results in the Classification Text Search with synonyms similar to the words you used in the first step.

3. Review 3. Go over the CPC Classification Definition to verify the relevancy of the CPC classification that you have discovered. The hyperlink to the CPC classification definition is available if the chosen classification title is a blue square with a “D” on the left. CPC classification definitions will help identify the specific classification’s purpose, so you are certain to choose the one that is pertinent. Furthermore, these definitions can include search tips and other suggestions which could be helpful for further research.

4. Retrieve patent documents with the CPC classification from the Patents Full-Text and Image Database. You can review and narrow down the most relevant patent publications by focusing first on the abstract and the drawings that are representative.

5. This list of patent publications is the most appropriate to check for similarities to your invention. Pay attention to the specification and claims. Refer to the applicant and patent examiner for additional patents.

6. You can retrieve the patent application that has been published and fit the CPC classification you picked in Step 3. You can use the same search strategy in Step 4 to narrow your search results down to the most relevant patent application by looking at the abstract and representative illustrations on every page. Next, carefully examine the patent applications published and pay particular attention to the claims and additional drawings.

7. You can look up other US patent publications using keywords in the AppFT and PatFT databases, and also the classification search of patents that are that are not issued by the United States in the following table. Additionally, you can make use of search engines on the internet to search for non-patent-related documents that describe inventions in the literature. Here are a few examples:

  • Add keywords to your search. Keyword searches may turn up documents that are not well-categorized or have missed classifications during Step 2. For example, US patent examiners often supplement their classification searches with keyword searches. Think about the use of technical engineering terminology rather than everyday words.
  • Search for foreign patents using the CPC classification. Then, re-run the search using international patent office search engines such as Espacenet, the European Patent Office’s worldwide patent publication database of over 130 million patent publications. Other national databases include:
  • Search non-patent literature. Inventions can be made public in many non-patent publications. It is recommended that you search journals, books, websites, technical catalogs, conference proceedings, and other print and electronic publications.

To review your search, you can hire a registered patent attorney to assist. A preliminary search will help one better prepare to talk about their invention and other related inventions with a professional patent attorney. In addition, the attorney will not spend too much time or money on patenting basics.