The Boeing Company (Chicago, IL)

Cable mounting device for securing cables. The device for mounting cables consists of an extended spacer body with a base end and a top end that is distal from the base end. The device for mounting cables has a cable fastener that is constructed with the spacer on a side of the elongated body that is close to the top. The cable fastener has an locking head as well as the strap which connects to form an enclosed loop that is not interspersed with an area that is just above the top of the spacer.

An aircraft with large wings may have more than thirty thousand clamps installed within its walls. These clamps are used to support cables that provide oxygen, power, and communications all throughout the aircraft. Each clamp is installed manually by an aircraft mechanic.Installation of a typical clamp, such as a p-clamp, involves inserting a screw through the clamp to form a closed loop that bundles the cable, and fastening the screw with a screwdriver into an insert in the wall of the aircraft. Each clamp installationmay require or require additional parts (e.g. spacers, spacers washers and cable ties made of plastic etc.) To properly secure aircraft cables, ensure that they are secure and adhere to the specifications of the manufacturer. Some aircraft electrical standards require that oxygen cables be located at a specific distance from specific types of wires within the aircraft. The mechanics of the aircraft are therefore faced with the cumbersome task of manually assembling various spacer/clamp combos to make sure the cables are secure in a specific distance from one another throughout the aircraft.

The mechanic of the aircraft is tasked with ensuring each clamp holds its cable against the plane’s wall in line with the load and vibration requirements to fly. In order to accomplish this, the mechanic may use additional hand tools like a glue gun tostrengthen the bond between a wall insert and a metal screw. But, tightly secured clamps may be irremovable for replacement or maintenance procedures unless the mechanic for the aircraft uses additional hand tools to remove the clamps. Thus, current methods for securing cables for aircraft are laborious and require a variety of hand tools and parts which increase the risk that foreign objects will be left behind that can cause damage or injury to the aircraft. It is therefore necessary to design better cable securing devices that are simple to install and remove from a range of spaced configurations, with minimal or no hand tools and can mount cables securely to meet aircraft vibration and load requirements.

Embodiments described herein provide a cable mounting device. It is unibody and includes a cable tie at the top. Cables are connected to the cable tie from above and along the sides of the device. The device also comes with a substrate attachment feature on the base of the device that can be mounted to any measured hole. In order to install the device into the substrate that has standard holes, you don’t require inserts or other fastener components. An opening in the body exposes an integral rivet, which can be reached by hand through the body. The rivet is slideable inside the body to cause expansion/retraction at the base that is mounted, which allows for the removal of the single-piece device off the substrate. Because the cable tie integrated near the top end of the device bundles cables above and down the side of the device, another similar cable mounting device may be stacked at the top of the device and firmly placed into the top opening on the top of the device in the same way as the hole in the substrate. Furthermore the side access of the rivet allows a user to take it off, alter, or re-mount the device in the hole when it is in a stacked configuration. The cable mounting device therefore allows cables to be secured firmly, quickly and in various spacing configurations without the need for additional equipment or parts that need that are left on the job site.

An apparatus comprising a cable tie mounting is an of the examples. The tie mount comprises an extended spacer body with a base and a top end distal from the base. The cable tie mount also includes a cable fastener integrallyformed by placing the spacer to one side of the body that is that is close to the top. The cable fastener comes with the lockable head as well as a strap, and an opening that joins to form a closed loop. This loop is not overlying the space just above the spacer’s highest point.

A further embodiment of the cable tie mount is that it has a rivet that is integrated inside the spacer. The spacer has an opening to reveal the rivet within the spacer’s elongated body. Another type of rivet includes a head as well as an ashank that extends out from it. A plug that expands is constructed at the base end outside the spacer. The expandable plug has an opening in the base at its base. It is comprised of a variety of legs and a slit that is situated between the legs. The legs are configured to expand in radial direction away from one another as the shank is pulled through the base opening and then into the slit through an force applied to the head of the rivet. In yet a further embodiment one, a part of the head protrudes fromthe notch to be exposed outside the spacer.

Another example is an apparatus that includes an a-mount for cable. Cable tie mount is a spacer with an elongated, hollow body, distal part from the base, and a hollow cavity between the top and base. A notch is also included on one side of the elongated bodies which lets the spacer’s hollow chambers. The cable tie mount additionally includes a cable fastener formed within the body’s elongated form, and a rivet with head, shank, as well as an expandable plug distal from the head.The base end is equipped with an opening in the base that is smaller than the hollow. The head is positioned inside the hollow cavity, and is larger than the opening in the base. To let the expandable plug to expand it must be able to fit through the opening in the base. The expandable plug is formed at the base to project outwards from the spacer and the notch exposes the head through the side of the elongated body. In a further version, the top of the spacer includes an opening that is large enough to accept an expandable plug for a different cable tie mounting.

A different type of apparatus comprises a plurality cable tie mountings. These include the first and second tie mountings. Each cable tie mount includes an elongated spacer with a top end, a top distal to the top, a hollow cavity at the bottom end, and a top distal to the top, a spacer with an elongated, hollow body and a screw which is joined to the spacer. It includes a head, shank and an expandable plug distal The top part has a narrower top opening than the hollow cavity. The base side has a base opening that is smaller than the hollow cavity. The spacer is a hollow cavity that houses the head and is wider than the opening for the base. The shank extends out into the opening at the base and is slideable inside it. The expandable plug is positioned from the base end of the spacer. The expandable plug on the second cable tie mount is inserted inside the top opening of the first mount and allows you to place the second mount over the first cable tie.

This summary gives a brief outline of some elements of the specification. It is not an exhaustive outline of the specifications. This summary is not intended to pinpoint the key elements or essential aspects of the specification, nor does it define the scope of any particular versions or claims. Its sole purpose is to present some aspects of the specification in a simplified form in preparation for the more detailed explanation that will be presented later.

Click here to view the patent on USPTO website.


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What is a patent?

Patents are granted by the government to safeguard an invention. It gives the inventor the right to develop, utilize and market the idea. Society gains when new technology is introduced to the market. The benefits may be the direct sense, since it can allow people to do previously impossible things, or indirectly, through the economic opportunities (business growth and job opportunities) that innovation provides.

Patent protection is sought out by many university researchers and drug companies for their research and development. A patent can cover a physical or abstract product or process or technique or composition of materials new to the area. Patent protection has to be granted to any invention that is beneficial, novel, and not previously known to others in the same field.

Patents are a way to honor inventors who have commercially successful inventions. They serve as a motivator for inventors to invent. Patents enable inventors and small businesses to know that there’s an excellent chance that they will get a profit on their time, effort, and money invested in the development of technology. It means that they can earn a living from their work.

Businesses that have the capacity to:

Secure your products and services

Increase the value, popularity, and appeal of your products market

Your business and your products should be distinguished from the competition;

Access technical and business knowledge and other information;

Beware of the possibility of accidentally using third-party proprietary content, or losing your valuable information, innovative outputs, or any other innovative output.

Patents convert knowledge of the inventor into an asset that can be sold, which opens up new opportunities for job creation through joint ventures and licensing.

Investors involved in the commercialization and development of technology will find small-scale businesses that have patent protection more appealing.

Patenting can lead to innovative ideas and inventions. The information you create may be protected by patents.

Patents are a way to prevent untrustworthy third parties from making money from the invention’s efforts.

Commercially successful patent-protected technology revenues can be used to finance technological research and development (R&D) and increase the chance of better technology in the coming years.

You can use the intellectual property rights of your company to convince lenders and investors that your product has real commercial potential. A single patent could open the door for many financing opportunities. You can use patents and other IP assets as collateral or security to secure financing. You can also show investors your patent assets to boost the value of your company. Forbes and others have pointed out that each patent could increase the value of your company by as much as $500,000 to $1 Million.

A properly-constructed business plan is essential for new businesses. It should be built on IP and demonstrate what your service or product stands out. Investors will be impressed if you have IP rights are secured or are on the verge of being secure, and if they are in line with your business strategy.

It is vital to keep the invention secret before applying for patent protection. The public disclosure of an invention prior to filing can frequently degrade its originality and make it ineligible for patent protection. Therefore, pre-filing disclosures (e.g., for test-marketing, investors, or other business partners) must only be done after signing a confidentiality agreement.

There are many kinds of patents and knowing these is vital to safeguard your invention. Patents for utility are used to protect the development of new methods and machines. Design patents cover ornamental designs. Utility patents are the most effective to protect the proprietor from copycats and other competitors. Most often the utility patent is issued to improve or modify existing inventions. Utility patents also cover enhancements and modifications to existing inventions. A process patent would be a way to describe the actions or methods of performing a particular act. A chemical composition could be an amalgamation of components.

What is the length average of a patent? While utility patents are valid up to 20 years from their earliest filing, they may be extended by delays in the patent office.

Are you looking to patent your ideas? Patents are granted only to applicants who file first, so you must file quickly. Call PatentPC now to have your patent application filed!

When you are writing an application for patents when you are writing a patent application, it is important to conduct an internet search for patents, since the search will give you an understanding of other people’s thoughts. This can help you restrict the scope of your invention. In addition, you can learn about state of the technology in your field of innovation. You’ll be able to get a better idea of what your invention should be, and you’ll be better prepared to write the patent application.

How to Search for Patents

Patent searches are the first step in obtaining your patent. You can do a google patent search or do a USPTO search. After the patent application has been submitted, the product that is that is covered by the patent application could be described as patent-pending. you can locate the patent application on a public pair. When the patent office is satisfied with your application, you’ll be able do a patent number look to find the patent that was issued. The product you are selling will now be patented. It is also possible to use the USPTO search engine. Read on for more details. A patent lawyer or patent attorney can advise you on the procedure. Patents in the United States are granted by the US trademark and patent office as well as the United States patent office. The office also examines trademark applications.

Are you interested in finding other similar patents? These are the steps to follow:

1. Brainstorm terms that describe your invention, based on its purpose, composition, and use.

Write down a brief, but precise description of the invention. Don’t use generic terms such as “device”, “process,” or “system”. Instead, consider synonyms to the terms you chose initially. Then, note significant technical terms and keywords.

To help you identify keywords and concepts, use the questions below.

  • What is the goal of the invention? Is it a utilitarian device or an ornamental design?
  • Invention is a method to create something or perform some function? Does it constitute an item?
  • What is the structure of the invention? What is the physical makeup of the invention?
  • What is the purpose of the invention?
  • What are the terms in the technical field and keywords used to define the nature of an invention? A technical dictionary will help you locate the right words.

2. These terms will let you look for pertinent Cooperative Patent Classifications at Classification Search Tool. If you’re unable to locate the appropriate classification to describe your invention, go through the classification’s class Schemas (class schedules). Think about substituting the words you use for describing your invention, if you don’t find any results in the Classification Text Search with synonyms such as the terms you used in Step 1.

3. Check 3. Check the CPC Classification Definition for confirmation of the CPC classification you have found. If the chosen classification has a blue box with the letter “D” at its left, clicking on the link will lead you to the CPC description of the classification. CPC classification definitions can help you determine the applicable classification’s scope so that you can select the most relevant. In addition they can provide research tips and other suggestions that may be useful for further research.

4. Find patent documents that have the CPC classification from the Patents Full-Text and Image Database. You can look through and select the relevant patent publications choosing to focus first on abstract and drawings representative of.

5. This collection of patent publication is the best to look at for any connections to your invention. Take note of the claims and specifications. It is possible to find additional patents by referring to the patent examiner and the applicant.

6. Find patent applications published in the public domain using the CPC classification you picked in Step 3 in the Applications Full-Text and Image Database. You may also employ the same strategy of searching you used in step 4 to limit down your results to just the most relevant patents by reading the abstracts and drawings on every page. Next, carefully examine the patent applications published, paying particular attention to the claims and the additional drawings.

7. Find other US patent publications using keywords in the PatFT or AppFT databases, searching for classification of non-U.S. patents as per below, and searching for non-patent literature disclosures of inventions using web search engines. Here are a few examples:

  • Add keywords to your search. Keyword searches may turn up documents that are not well-categorized or have missed classifications during Step 2. For example, US patent examiners often supplement their classification searches with keyword searches. Think about the use of technical engineering terminology rather than everyday words.
  • Search for foreign patents using the CPC classification. Then, re-run the search using international patent office search engines such as Espacenet, the European Patent Office’s worldwide patent publication database of over 130 million patent publications. Other national databases include:
  • Search non-patent literature. Inventions can be made public in many non-patent publications. It is recommended that you search journals, books, websites, technical catalogs, conference proceedings, and other print and electronic publications.

To review your search, you can hire a registered patent attorney to assist. A preliminary search will help one better prepare to talk about their invention and other related inventions with a professional patent attorney. In addition, the attorney will not spend too much time or money on patenting basics.