Facebook, Inc. (Menlo Park, CA)

In one particular embodiment, a method includes computing equipment that could capture image data from a camera assembly. An actuator is a device used to move the cameras. The image data could comprise frames that were taken as the actuator moved the cameras. The computing system may determine for each frame, the time and position of the camera at the point where the image data was captured. The computing system can then create an index of all image data, along with the position and time data. The index is then used to reconstruct the image surrounding the camera assembly by with a different perspective than the camera. This reconstruction may be built on one or more frames of captured image data that are accessed using the index and the viewpoint.

Conventional cameras operate by putting a light-sensitive medium (photographic plates or film for a traditional camera or an electronic sensor that records digital camera or video) before the light source. The images captured are then stored in relation to the point-of-view of the camera. For example, a still image taken in a forested area can only show a single static representation of the fauna and flora of thatforest. Video cameras possess an element of dynamic because they record multiple images in succession, but each one is static to its point of view like a static photograph. The data of an image of a specific angle captured by an operator of a camera will not be accessible unless the angle is known. For example, if a viewer is looking at a static image but wishes to view the same scene from a different angle or wants to look behind an object in the image that is blocking views, the viewer might try shifting their location to shift their view. This example shows that a static image of the same scene will appear exactly the identical regardless of how it is viewed. Anything that is hidden behind an object will be obscured.

Conventional cameras normally have a field of vision that ranges from a few degrees, to, at most, 180 degrees. In contrast, an optimal camera with omnidirectional capabilities (or 360 camera) is equipped with a field of view that can capture light from all directions that falls upon a focal point. Practically, omnidirectional cameras rarely have a complete view of the globe. They also tend to capture only a small portion of the field of view (360 degrees along sphere’s equator however not at the bottom or top).

Like conventional cameras, the images produced by omnidirectional cameras remain static in relation to the point of view of the camera. An ideal omnidirectional camera might produce images that depict the whole field of view from only one focal point. However the image produced by an omnidirectional camera would not accurately portray the subject if the viewer shifts their viewpoint.

Certain aspects of this invention pertain to methods that permit the scene to be dynamically recreated using current positions of the view. This invention allows several cameras simultaneously to record image data from different angles. Certain embodiments can capture enough data to allow a replay system to recreate the scene with dynamically changing viewpoints. This is even if some viewpoints don’t match the location of any camera in the recording.

Multiple cameras can be used to capture scenes from multiple viewpoints. As the number of cameras increase as does the amount of images (and the coverage of the scene and the variety of camera viewpoints)captured over a period of time. In some embodiments cameras, they may rotate, nod, bob or move laterally, or in any other way to allow for greater angular and spatial coverage (the extent of the surroundings that is captured by the one or morecameras) of the surrounding area. To increase coverage and reduce in the amount of sparsity the speed at which cameras move can be altered in time. Each frame recorded may be indexable based on the date it was recorded and the position of the camera that captured it. The index is then utilized to determine the pixel that was captured by a particular camera at a certain angle. The system may send a ray to every pixel that is of interest when the environment is being recreated from a certain angle. Based on the ray’s trajectory, the system may use the index to determine the camera at the right place and at the appropriate time, it will capture the pixel that coincides with the projection of the ray. In the same way, other pixels of interest may be retrieved using the indexed frames. The set of relevant pixels gathered through this process can be utilized by the system to recreate the scene captured by a user at the particular viewpoint.

These embodiments are examples only. The scope of the disclosure is not limited by them. Particular embodiments may include the entirety, a portion or all of the components, elements or features, functions, operations, or steps of the embodiments described above. The attached claims describe embodiments according to the invention, which include the storage medium, method system, system, and computer program product. In each claim type (e.g. method, may be claimed in another claim category, e.g. system. The dependencies or references back in the claims attached are chosen solely for formal purposes. But any subject matter that arises from a deliberate reference to prior claims (in particular multiple dependencies) is able to be claimed as well and every combination of claims and the characteristics thereof are described and can be claimed regardless of the dependencies chosen in the claims attached. Subject matter could comprise not just combinations of features that are described in the attached claims, but also any combination of features contained in the claims. Each feature in the claims could be combined with another feature or a combination of features. Additionally, any of the embodiments and features discussed or described herein can be claimed in a separate claim and/or in any combination with any of the features or embodiments described or depicted herein or in combination with any feature of the claims attached.

Click here to view the patent on USPTO website.

Get Patents with PatentPC

What is a patent?

Granted by the government to protect an invention, a patent provides the inventor with the exclusive right to develop, utilize to sell, and market the invention? society gains when a innovative technology is introduced into the marketplace. The benefits can be in directly, in that it allows people to do previously impossible things. Or indirectly, through the economic opportunities (business expansion and job opportunities) that innovation provides.

Patent protection is demanded by many university researchers and drug companies to protect their research and development. Patents can be granted to a physical or abstract product or process , or the method or composition of materials new to the area. Patent protection has to be granted to an invention that is beneficial or novel and is not already known by others in the same area.

Patents give inventors a chance to be recognized for commercially viable inventions. They provide a motivation for inventors to create. Patents permit entrepreneurs and inventors to be confident that there’s an excellent chance that they will receive a return for their time, effort, and money invested in technology development. They could earn a decent income from their work.

Patents play essential roles in businesses with the ability to:

Protect the latest products and services;

Enhance the value, appearance, and visibility of your products market

Make your brand stand out from the rest.

Access business and technical expertise and other information;

Avoid the danger of accidentally using proprietary third-party content, or losing your important information, creative outputs, or another creative output.

Patents transform inventors’ information into a tradeable asset that opens up new possibilities for job creation and business expansion by licensing or joint ventures.

Small-scale businesses with patent protection are more appealing to investors who are involved in the commercialization and development of technology.

Patents can help develop new ideas and inventions. This information can promote creativity and could be eligible for patent protection.

Patents can be used to stop untrustworthy third parties from making money through the work of inventions.

The profits from technology patents that are successful and commercially viable can be used to finance technological research and development (R&D) and increase the chance of better technology in the near future.

Intellectual property ownership can be used to convince lenders and investors that there are real opportunities to commercialize your product. Sometimes, a single patent could open the door to numerous financing possibilities. Patents and other IP assets can be used as collateral or security to finance debt. You can also show investors the patents you own to increase the value of your business. Forbes and others have stated that each patent could increase the value of a company by anything from $500,000 to $1 million.

Startups require a carefully-crafted business plan that builds on the IP to show that your product/service is unique or superior to others. Investors will be impressed if your IP rights are secure or are in the process of being secured, and that they agree with your business strategy.

It is crucial to keep your invention secret until you apply to protect it with patents. The public disclosure of an invention before filing it can often destroy its novelty and make it ineligible for patent protection. Therefore, pre-filing disclosures (e.g., for test-marketing investors, test-marketing, or any other business partners) should only be filed after signing a confidentiality agreement.

There are a variety of patents. Knowing them is essential for protecting your invention. Patents for utility cover processes and machine creations. Design patents cover ornamental designs. Utility patents are the best since they shield the proprietor from copycats and other competitors. They are typically granted to improve or alter existing inventions. Utility patents can also be used to cover improvements and modifications in existing inventions. For instance, a process patent will cover acts or methods for performing a specific act, whereas chemical compositions will comprise a mixture of components.

What is the length average of patents? Although utility patents are valid for 20 years from the date of their earliest filing, they are able to be extended through delay in the patent office.

Do you wish to patent your ideas? Since patents are only granted for first-to-file applicants and you must file quickly – call PatentPC to speak with a patent attorney PatentPC to patent your idea today!

When drafting a patent application when you are writing a patent application, it is recommended that you conduct a patent search. the search can provide some insights into other people’s ideas. It will help you narrow down the scope of your idea. In addition, you can learn about state of the technology in your field of innovation. You’ll get a better understanding of what your invention ought to be and be more prepared to submit the patent application.

How to Search for Patents

Patent searches are the first step to getting your patent. You can do a google patent search or do a USPTO search. Once the patent application has been filed, the item covered by the application can be referred to as patent-pending and you can locate the patent application on a public pair. Once the patent office approves the application, you will be able to do a patent number search to locate the issued patent and your product will now be patented. Alongside the USPTO search engine, you may also use other search engines, such as espacenet, which is described below. It is possible to seek help from a patent lawyer. In the US, patents are issued by the US patent and trademark office, or the United States patent and trademark office, which also reviews trademark applications.

Are you interested in similar patents? These are the steps to follow:

1. Brainstorm terms that describe your invention based on its purpose, composition, and usage.

Write down a concise detailed description of the invention. Be sure to avoid using terms that are generic such as “device,” “process,” and “system.” Instead, look for synonyms for the terms you initially chose. Then, note significant technical terms, as well as keywords.

To help you recognize the key words and concepts, try the questions below.

  • What is the goal of the invention? Is it a utilitarian device or an ornamental design?
  • Is inventing a method to come up with something or to perform a function? Or is it a thing or process?
  • What is the structure of the invention? What is the physical structure of the invention?
  • What’s the purpose of the invention
  • What are the technical terms and keywords used to define the nature of an invention? To help you find the correct terms, consult an online dictionary of technical terms.

2. Utilize these terms to locate relevant Cooperative Patent Classifications at the Classification Text Search Tool. If you’re unable to determine the correct classification for your invention, look through the classification’s class Schemas (class schedules). If you don’t get any results using the Classification Text Search, you may want to consider replacing the words to describe your invention using synonyms.

3. Go through 3. Check the CPC Classification Definition for confirmation of the CPC classification you have found. If the classification you have selected includes a blue square with the letter “D” to its left, the link will lead you to the CPC classification definition. CPC classification definitions can be used to identify the specific classification’s scope and therefore you’re sure to select the most pertinent. Furthermore the definitions may include search tips and other suggestions that may be useful for further study.

4. The Patents Full-Text Database and the Image Database allow you to retrieve patent documents that include the CPC classification. You can look through and narrow down the relevant patent documents by taking a look at the abstract and the drawings that are representative.

5. Utilize this selection of most relevant patent publications to study each one in depth for any the similarities to your idea. Take note of the specifications and claims. Contact the applicant as well as the patent examiner for additional patents.

6. Find patent applications published in the public domain using the CPC classification you picked in Step 3 from the Applications Full-Text and Image Database. You can use the same strategy of searching as Step 4, narrowing your search results to the most pertinent patent application through the abstract as well as the drawings that appear on each page. Next, examine every patent application that has been published with care, paying special attention to the claims and other drawings.

7. Find other US patent publications by keywords in the PatFT or AppFT databases, searching for classification of non-U.S. patents as described below, and also searching non-patent publications of inventions with internet search engines. For example:

  • Add keywords to your search. Keyword searches may turn up documents that are not well-categorized or have missed classifications during Step 2. For example, US patent examiners often supplement their classification searches with keyword searches. Think about the use of technical engineering terminology rather than everyday words.
  • Search for foreign patents using the CPC classification. Then, re-run the search using international patent office search engines such as Espacenet, the European Patent Office’s worldwide patent publication database of over 130 million patent publications. Other national databases include:
  • Search non-patent literature. Inventions can be made public in many non-patent publications. It is recommended that you search journals, books, websites, technical catalogs, conference proceedings, and other print and electronic publications.

To review your search, you can hire a registered patent attorney to assist. A preliminary search will help one better prepare to talk about their invention and other related inventions with a professional patent attorney. In addition, the attorney will not spend too much time or money on patenting basics.