Facebook Technologies, LLC (Menlo Park, CA)

A headset display device can be described as comprising a central processor, multiple integrated circuits for projectors and a central processor which can process image data. Each integrated circuit for a projector contains several first circuits, which comprise a light emitter array. Each integrated circuit for a projector has a second circuit that is linked to the various first integrated circuits. The second integrated circuit includes an image processor that is configured to generate transformed image data correcting for geometrical or brightness distortions and (2) is set up to transmit the transformed image data to the multiple first integrated circuits that display the image.

Portable displays have seen a dramatic increase in popularity, leading to an increase in need for lightweight and efficient displays. Some of these displays can reduce clarity, frame rate or field of vision to lower power consumption and allow for more comfortable wear (body-carried displays). These sacrifices can lead to poor user experience. Displays could reduce brightness or lower resolution, color depth, maximum display frame rate, or field of view, which reduces the value of a display. Displays that have low frame rates and narrow fields of view might not be practical for certain applications. Particularly in scenarios where the display is utilized to deliver an immersive experience for the user, display quality impacts the impression of the quality of the experience itself. Additionally, the issue is the significant computing expense needed to render and provide top-quality user experiences.

In certain embodiments, a display of a head-mounted display device may function by displaying an image to the user via a waveguide configuration that is displayed on the display. The image may be provided by one or more projector-integrated circuitsassociated with the display. A number of projector integrated circuits may be utilized in particular embodiments. Each user may possess one or more projectors. A centralheadset CPU may coordinate the projector integrated circuits and also send rendering data to the projectors.

In certain embodiments, a projection integrated circuit (referenced in this article as”projector “projector”) may comprise several components. The components could be or be incorporated in an integrated circuit. Warpengines, display drivers or backplane controller might be integrated into the components. Warp engines can perform initial visibility calculations for frame data that is stored in specialized object primitives by a rendering engine. determine the geometric warps to apply to the framedata, calculate a apply texture mapping, filtering and otherwise make the frame data ready to display. Warp engine’s images can be processed by display drivers. For example, a display driver may perform non-uniformity correctionsand dithering as required. The data from the image could be received from a backplane controller which can then instruct a light source to display it.

In certain embodiments, the components of a projector can be combined using various different architectures to enhance the performance and power efficiency of a of a head-mounted screen while still providing an excellent image.For instance, a warp engine may be incorporated with the central processor of a headset and connected to a variety of display drivers and backplane controllers. One or more display drivers can be included in a warp engine within an integrated circuit. Warp engines can also be connected to any or all backplane controllers and sharing an integrated circuit. Many manufacturing processes are able to make integrated circuits that include projectors. In particular they could be “stacked” three-dimensional circuits, or “side by side” two-and-a-half-dimensional circuits.

Certain embodiments could affect the options of packaging for integrated circuits as well as other components of the projector. A good example is an emission array that has been bonded to an integratedcircuit and mounted to an electronic circuit board. A circuit board may be connected to a different circuit. The aligner can adjust the position in relation to a waveguide coupler. As another example, an emitter arraymay be bonded to an integrated circuit which shares a circuit board other similar integrated circuits. For another instance, an emitter array may be bonded to an integrated circuit which is connected to an interposer which is part of a number of similar integrated circuits. The interposer can be connected to the circuit board. Another example is that an emitter array may be bonded to its own interposer, which is then bonded to an integrated circuit which has many similar interposer configurations bonded to it. Another instance is that multiple emitter arrays can be bonded together to an integrated circuit. The integrated circuits can include one or more warp engines, display drivers, or backplane controllers.

Embodiments of the invention can include or be implemented in conjunction with an artificial reality system. Artificial reality is the form or mix of realities that have changed prior to being displayed to a user. It may comprise a virtual reality, an augmented reality, a hybrid reality, and/or variations of these. Artificial reality content may include entirely generated content or content combined with capturedcontent (e.g. photos from the real world). Artificial reality content could comprise audio videos, video, haptic feedback and various other forms of media. It may be displayed in a single channel or on several channels. Stereo video is a stereo-sounding video which creates a 3-dimensional experience for the viewer. In some instances, artificial reality may be integrated with accessories, applications, products or services, or a combination thereof, that are, e.g., used to create content that is created in an artificial reality , or used to create (e.g. to perform tasks within) an artificial reality. Artificial reality systems that deliver artificial reality content can be utilized on a variety platforms. They include a head-mounted display (HMD) or an HMD that is standalone or any other platform that is capable of providing artificial reality content to one or more viewers.

The embodiments disclosed in this disclosure are just examples, and the scope of this disclosure is not limited to them. One embodiment may include all or a portion of the elements, components features, functions, or steps described in this disclosure. Embodiments according to the invention are in particular defined in the attached claims directed to a method, a storage device, a system and computer program products, which feature that is described in one claim category,e.g. method, can be claimed in a different claim category, e.g. system. The dependencies or references back in the claims that are attached are chosen for formal reasons only. However, any subject matter resulting from a deliberate reference to anyprevious claims (in particular multiple dependencies) can be claimed in addition, meaning that all combinations of claims as well as the features thereof are disclosed and are able to be claimed regardless of the dependencies selected in the attached claims. The subject-matterwhich can be claimed comprises not just the features that are combined as set out in the attached claims , but additionally any other combination of features in the claims. Each claim feature can be combined with any other feature or combination of features described in the claims. Furthermore each of the features and embodiments discussed or described herein can be claimed as a distinct claim and/or with any embodiment or feature that is described or illustrated herein or in combination with any feature of the attached claims.

Click here to view the patent on USPTO website.

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What is a patent?

Patents are issued by the government to protect an invention. It gives the inventor the right to create, use and sell the invention. Society benefits when new technology is introduced to market. The benefits can be in directly, in that it allows people to do previously impossible things. Or indirectly, due to the opportunities for economic growth (business growth and employment) that the innovation offers.

Patent protection is sought by many university researchers and drug companies to aid in their research and development. Patents are granted for the creation of a product, process or method of making new materials. Patent protection is granted to any invention that is valuable unique, innovative, and not yet known by other people in the same field.

Patents reward inventors who have commercially successful inventions. They act as a motivator for inventors to invent. Small businesses and inventors can be assured that they will get a return on their investment in technology development via patents. This means they will be able to earn money from their work.

Businesses that have the capacity to:

Secure new products and services that are innovative;

Improve the visibility and the value of your products on market

Your business and your products should be distinguished from others.

Get technical and business information.

Beware of the possibility of using third-party proprietary content, or losing your valuable data, original outputs, or another creative output.

Patents transform inventor’s knowledge into a marketable asset, that opens new avenues for job creation by licensing joint ventures and joint ventures.

Investors who are involved in the development and commercialization of technology will appreciate small-scale businesses that have patent protection more appealing.

Patenting can lead to innovative ideas and inventions. This information could encourage the development of new ideas and could qualify to be protected by patents.

Patents can be used to prevent untrustworthy third parties from profiting through the work of inventions.

Patent-protected technology revenues that are commercially profitable can be used to fund technology-related research and development (R&D) which will improve the chances for better technology in the future.

You can leverage the intellectual property rights of your company to convince lenders and investors that your product has commercial potential. A single patent could open the door for numerous financing options. You can use patents and other IP assets as collateral or security for financing. You may also present investors with your patent assets to boost the value of your company. Forbes and other publications have noted that every patent can boost the value of a company by anything from $500,000 to $1 million.

A properly-designed business plan is crucial for startups. It should be based on IP and show how your product/service stands out. Additionally, investors will be impressed when you prove that your IP rights are secured or are in the process of becoming secure, and that they align with your business plan.

It is vital to protect an invention prior to filing for patent protection. The public disclosure of an invention prior to filing can often destroy its novelty and render it unpatentable. The filing of disclosures prior to filing, for example, for investors, test-marketing or any other business partners, should be done only following the signing of a confidentiality agreement.

There are several types of patents. Understanding these is vital to safeguard your invention. Patents for utility are used to protect the development of new methods and machines. Design patents cover ornamental designs. Patents for utility are the best option and protect the owner against copycats and other competitors. Utility patents are often granted to enhance or modify existing inventions. Utility patents can also be used to cover improvements and modifications to existing inventions. For example, a process patent covers acts or methods of doing one specific thing, whereas a chemical composition will include the combination of ingredients.

How long does a patent last? Although utility patents last up to 20 years from the initial filing, they can be extended through delay at the Patent Office.

Do you wish to patent your ideas? Since patents are only granted to first-time applicants, you need to make your application quickly. Contact PatentPC to speak with a patent attorney PatentPC to patent your idea now!

When you’re writing your patent application it is recommended to conduct a patent search, as the search can provide some insight into other people’s thoughts. This can help you restrict the scope of your invention. Additionally, you’ll be able to learn about state of the technological advancements in your area of invention. You’ll get a better understanding of what your idea should be and be better prepared for writing your patent application.

How to Search for Patents

A patent search is the very first step towards obtaining your patent. You can do a google patent search or do a USPTO search. Patent-pending refers to the product protected by the patent application. You can search the public pair to locate the patent application. Once the patent office has approved your application, you’ll be able to do a patent number look to locate the issued patent. Your product will then become patented. You can also use the USPTO search engine. See below for details. A patent lawyer or attorney can advise you on the process. In the US patents are issued by the US trademark and patent office or the United States patent and trademark office, which also examines trademark applications.

Are you looking for similar patents? These are the steps:

1. Brainstorm terms that describe your invention based on its intended purpose, composition and application.

Start by writing down a succinct and precise description of your idea. Be sure to avoid using terms that are generic such as “device,” “process,” and “system.” Instead, think about synonyms for the terms you selected initially. Also, make note of key technical terms and keywords.

To help you identify keywords and concepts, use the following questions.

  • What is the purpose of the invention Is it a utilitarian device or an ornamental design?
  • Is the invention a way of creating something , or fulfilling a purpose? Or is it a thing or process?
  • What is the structure of the invention? What is the physical makeup of the invention?
  • What is the goal of this invention?
  • What are the technical terms and phrases that define the essence of an invention? A technical dictionary can help you find the appropriate words.

2. Use these terms to search for relevant Cooperative Patent Classifications at the Classification Text Search Tool. If you are unable to locate the appropriate classification for your invention, look through the classification’s class Schemas (class schedules). If you don’t get any results using the Classification Text Search, you might want to think about substituting the words to describe your invention with synonyms.

3. Review 3. Go over the CPC Classification Definition to confirm the relevancy of the CPC classification that you have found. The link to a CPC classification definition will be given when the classification you have selected contains a blue box with “D” to its left. CPC classification definitions can help determine the relevant classification’s scope which is why you can be sure to select the most pertinent. In addition the definitions may include search tips and other suggestions that may be useful for further research.

4. The Patents Full-Text Database and the Image Database allow you to retrieve patent documents that include the CPC classification. You can review and select the relevant patent publications by first focusing on abstract and the drawings that are representative.

5. Use this selection of the most relevant patent publications to study each in detail for similarities to your invention. Be sure to read the claims and specifications. It is possible to find additional patents through contacting the patent examiner and applicant.

6. Retrieve published patent applications with the CPC classification you selected in Step 3 from the Applications Full-Text and Image Database. You may also employ the same method of search that you utilized in Step 4 to narrow your search results to only the most relevant patent applications by looking over the abstracts as well as the drawings for every page. Then, you must carefully review the published patent applications and pay particular attention to the claims and the additional drawings.

7. Locate additional US patent publications using keyword searches in the PatFT and AppFT databases, classification search of non-U.S. patents per below, and searching non-patent patent disclosures in the literature of inventions using internet search engines. Here are some examples:

  • Add keywords to your search. Keyword searches may turn up documents that are not well-categorized or have missed classifications during Step 2. For example, US patent examiners often supplement their classification searches with keyword searches. Think about the use of technical engineering terminology rather than everyday words.
  • Search for foreign patents using the CPC classification. Then, re-run the search using international patent office search engines such as Espacenet, the European Patent Office’s worldwide patent publication database of over 130 million patent publications. Other national databases include:
  • Search non-patent literature. Inventions can be made public in many non-patent publications. It is recommended that you search journals, books, websites, technical catalogs, conference proceedings, and other print and electronic publications.

To review your search, you can hire a registered patent attorney to assist. A preliminary search will help one better prepare to talk about their invention and other related inventions with a professional patent attorney. In addition, the attorney will not spend too much time or money on patenting basics.