Abstract for “System and Method for Mark-up Language Document Ranking Analysis”

“A system and method to analyze the rank of mark-up languages documents using mark-up language. This analysis may be done automatically. It may also identify one or more differences among mark-uplanguage documents in relation to their relative rank.”

Background for “System and Method for Mark-up Language Document Ranking Analysis”

Search engines are crucial for user interaction with the Internet. Search engines can often be used as a gateway. Many users use search engines to access the Internet. They are used to find information they need as a first resource. They are indispensable in navigating the thousands of web pages that make up the World Wide Web.

“Most users only review the first page of search results provided by a search engine. To improve their ranking, web site owners can make their pages more user-friendly. You can either alter the content, layout, tags, or both. This is also known as SEO (search engine optimization).

Search engine optimization is currently done manually. Search engines are careful to protect their algorithms and rules for ranking, both against other search engines and to prevent?spam? Web pages that do not offer useful content, but only seek to be high in search engine results are likely to attract advertisers. Manual analysis and adjustments can be limited and could miss important improvements that could improve web pages’ rank in search engine results.

“The background art doesn’t teach or suggest a method or system for rank analysis of mark-up languages document documents. This may be done automatically, and may also identify one or more differences among mark-uplanguage documents in regard to their relative ranks.”

“The present invention addresses these drawbacks by providing, at least in some embodiments, an automated system and method for rank analysis of mark-up languages documents. It may also be used to determine differences between markup language documents relative to rank.”

“Unless otherwise stated, all technical terms and scientific terms used in this invention have the same meanings as those commonly understood by an ordinary skilled person in the art to be which it belongs.” These materials, methods and examples are for illustration purposes only. They are not meant to be restrictive.

Implementation of the method or system of the invention means performing certain tasks manually, automatically or a combination of both. Furthermore, depending on the actual instrumentation and equipment, several steps of the preferred embodiments could be executed by hardware or software on any operating systems of any firmware, or any combination thereof. As hardware, some steps could be implemented using a circuit or chip. Select steps of the invention can be implemented as software by means of a number of software instructions that are executed by any computer running an appropriate operating system. The method and system described in the invention can be described as being executed by a data processor. This could include a computing platform that executes a plurality instructions.

“The present invention is not limited to a computer. “computer network” is an optional term. However, any device having a data processor that can execute one or more instructions and a data processor may be considered a computer. This includes, but is not limited to, any personal computer (PC), server, cellular telephone, IP telephone, smart phone, pager, or PDA (personal digital assistant). A?computer network? may be any combination of two or more such devices communicating with one another.

Summary for “System and Method for Mark-up Language Document Ranking Analysis”

Search engines are crucial for user interaction with the Internet. Search engines can often be used as a gateway. Many users use search engines to access the Internet. They are used to find information they need as a first resource. They are indispensable in navigating the thousands of web pages that make up the World Wide Web.

“Most users only review the first page of search results provided by a search engine. To improve their ranking, web site owners can make their pages more user-friendly. You can either alter the content, layout, tags, or both. This is also known as SEO (search engine optimization).

Search engine optimization is currently done manually. Search engines are careful to protect their algorithms and rules for ranking, both against other search engines and to prevent?spam? Web pages that do not offer useful content, but only seek to be high in search engine results are likely to attract advertisers. Manual analysis and adjustments can be limited and could miss important improvements that could improve web pages’ rank in search engine results.

“The background art doesn’t teach or suggest a method or system for rank analysis of mark-up languages document documents. This may be done automatically, and may also identify one or more differences among mark-uplanguage documents in regard to their relative ranks.”

“The present invention addresses these drawbacks by providing, at least in some embodiments, an automated system and method for rank analysis of mark-up languages documents. It may also be used to determine differences between markup language documents relative to rank.”

“Unless otherwise stated, all technical terms and scientific terms used in this invention have the same meanings as those commonly understood by an ordinary skilled person in the art to be which it belongs.” These materials, methods and examples are for illustration purposes only. They are not meant to be restrictive.

Implementation of the method or system of the invention means performing certain tasks manually, automatically or a combination of both. Furthermore, depending on the actual instrumentation and equipment, several steps of the preferred embodiments could be executed by hardware or software on any operating systems of any firmware, or any combination thereof. As hardware, some steps could be implemented using a circuit or chip. Select steps of the invention can be implemented as software by means of a number of software instructions that are executed by any computer running an appropriate operating system. The method and system described in the invention can be described as being executed by a data processor. This could include a computing platform that executes a plurality instructions.

“The present invention is not limited to a computer. “computer network” is an optional term. However, any device having a data processor that can execute one or more instructions and a data processor may be considered a computer. This includes, but is not limited to, any personal computer (PC), server, cellular telephone, IP telephone, smart phone, pager, or PDA (personal digital assistant). A?computer network? may be any combination of two or more such devices communicating with one another.

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