This article describes a process that uses antimicrobials on substrates to prevent the growth of biological agents. A mixture of antimicrobial and binding agents is offered. The binder is made up of guar gum and ammonium sulfurate. An organo silane quarternary antimicrobial is the antimicrobial. The antimicrobial-binder combination is ionized, forming positively charged particles. The antimicrobial-binder mix is then aerosolized to form fog. The fog is then sprayed to the surface and dried.

Surfaces can be a source of microorganism activity. Serious illnesses, such as influenza, are easily spread through human contact. Common objects in public spaces, such as shared telephones and keyboards in offices, railings and seats in publictransportation, check out touch screens at the supermarket, and even doorknobs, can all harbor dangerous viruses and bacteria. There are also harmful microorganisms in common surfaces found in American homes. For example, kitchens may harbor dangerousbacteria like Escherichia coli (a.k.a. E. Coli, Camphylobacter and Salmonella can all be present in kitchens. This could lead to food-based diseases such as food poisoning. Microbes thrive on surfaces like countertops, faucets, refrigerators and handles for cabinet handles.

Conventional disinfectant wipes and sprays may kill certain microorganisms, however they do not stop others from infecting the area within a short time after cleaning. Therefore, the surfaces must be continually wipeddown in order to prevent continuing microbe growth. Disinfectants that are commonly used are poisonous and can become resistant to treatment. This could lead to the creation of an even more harmful pathogen than that was designed for destruction. One famous example of these types of resistant, dangerous microorganisms is the bacteria methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, commonly known as MRSA. In reality, traditional treatments aren’t always effective against so-called “superbugs” like MRSA.

There is a pressing need for a better treatment of surfaces and other solid and porous substrates to avoid the spread of harmful microorganisms. It is also necessary for this treatment to kill infectious agents withoutrisk of increasing resistance or the creation of resistant agents, and to eradicate dangerous resistant agents that cannot be destroyed with traditional treatments.

In certain embodiments discussed herein, a method of applying an antimicrobial on the surface to stop the growth of biological agents on that surface is presented. A mixture of antimicrobial and binding agent is offered. The binder consists of ammonium sulfate as well as methylacryloid and urea. The antimicrobial is an organo silane quarternary amine antimicrobial. The antimicrobial-binder mixture is ionized to comprise negatively charged particles. The antimicrobial-binder mix is then aerosolized into a fog. The fog is then applied on the surface, and dried.

An antimicrobial-binder mixture is a different method of applying antimicrobials to surfaces to stop biological agents growing on the surface. The water is heated to C. Guar gum is mixed with the hot water and the mixture is then chilled to a temperature between C. and C. and The mixture is then composed of the methylacryloid. The binder is mixed with an antimicrobial having the formula NH.sub.3C.sub.18H.sub.36R where R is a silane group, an ionizing agent, and water to form an antimicrobial-binder mixture. The binder comprises 2-3% of the antimicrobial-bindermixture by weight percent. The antimicrobial binding mixture’s ionizing ingredient comprises 1% of weight percent. The antimicrobial is comprised of 2-3 percentage of the antimicrobial binding mixture by weight percent. The binder mixture is ionized such that the mixturecomprises negatively charged particles and is then aerosolized to form fog. The fog is then applied to the surface and dried at ambient temperatures.

Click here to view the patent on USPTO website.


Get Patents with PatentPC

What is a patent?

A patent is granted by the government to protect the invention. It grants the inventor the exclusive right to create, use and market the idea. Society is benefited when new technologies are brought to the market. Benefits can be realized in the direct sense, since it may allow people to accomplish previously unattainable things, or indirectly, through the economic opportunities (business growth and employment) that the innovation offers.

Many drug companies and researchers at universities seek patent protection for their research and developments. Patents can be granted to an abstract or physical product or process or technique or composition of material that are new to the field. In order to be granted protection under a patent an invention has to be novel, useful, and not obvious to anyone else within the same field.

Patents give inventors a reward for commercially successful inventions. They act as an incentive for inventors to create. Small businesses and inventors can be certain that they will receive a return on the investment they make in technology advancement through patents. It means that they can earn money from their work.

Companies that are able to:

Protect innovative products and services;

Increase the visibility and value of your products on market

Your business and your products should be distinguished from others;

Get technical and business information.

Avoid using content from third parties or risking losing important information as well as creative outputs and other outputs.

Patents transform inventors’ knowledge into a commercially tradeable asset which opens new opportunities for employment creation and expansion of businesses through licensing or joint ventures.

Small businesses that have patent protection are more attractive to investors involved in the commercialization and development of technology.

Patenting can lead to new inventions and ideas. This information could encourage creativity and could be eligible for protection under patents.

Patents can serve as an obstacle to unscrupulous third parties that profit from the efforts of an invention.

Commercially successful patent-protected technology revenues can be used to fund technological research and development (R&D), which will improve the chances of developing better technology in the coming years.

Intellectual property ownership can be used to convince investors and lenders that there are real chances to commercialize your product. Sometimes, a powerful patent could open the door to numerous financing possibilities. Patents can be used along with other IP assets as collateral or security for financing. Investors can also see your patent assets to increase their company valuation. Forbes and other publications have pointed out that each patent could increase company valuation by anywhere from $500,000 to $1 million.

Startups require a well-constructed business plan that builds on the IP to demonstrate that your product or service is distinctive and superior or ingenuous. In addition, investors will be impressed if you demonstrate that your IP rights are secure or in progress of being secure, and that they align with your business plan.

It is crucial to keep your invention secret until you submit for patent protection. Public disclosure of an invention can frequently devalue its originality and render it invalid. The filing of disclosures prior to filing, for example, for investors, test-marketing, or other business partners, must be done only following the signing of a confidentiality agreement.

There are many kinds of patents. Understanding them is crucial to protect your invention. Utility patents cover new methods and inventions made by machines. Design patents cover ornamental designs. Utility patents are best and shield the proprietor from competitors and copycats. They are typically granted to improve or alter existing inventions. Utility patents also cover enhancements and modifications to existing inventions. For instance, a procedure patent will be able to cover actions or methods of doing one specific thing, whereas chemical compositions will comprise a mixture of components.

What is the length average of a patent? While utility patents last for 20 years from the date of their initial filing, they may be extended by delay at the patent office.

Are you considering the patenting of your idea? Since patents are only granted to applicants who file first, you need to make your application quickly. Contact an attorney for patents at PatentPC to protect your idea today!

A patent search is an essential step when you are preparing an application for patent. This will allow you to see other concepts and provide an insight into their inventions. It will help you limit the nature of your invention. In addition, you can discover the latest technology in your field of invention. You’ll be able to get a better idea of what your invention ought to be and will be better prepared to write your patent application.

How to Search for Patents

A patent search is the very first step to getting your patent. You can do a google patent search or do a USPTO search. Once the patent application is submitted, the product that is that is covered by the patent application could be described as patent-pending. you can locate the patent application on a public pair. When the patent office has endorsed the application, you will be able to perform a patent search to locate the patent issued, and your product has been granted patent. You can also utilize the USPTO search engine. Read on for details. Patent lawyers or a patent attorney can help you through the process. Patents in the United States are granted by the US trademark and patent office, or the United States patent office and trademark office. The office also examines trademark applications.

Interested in finding more similar patents? These are the steps to follow:

1. Create a list of terms for your invention in relation to its intended composition, use, or purpose.

Write down a short, but precise description of the invention. Avoid using generic terms such as “device”, “process” and “system”. Think about synonyms for the terms you picked initially. Then, note crucial technical terms, as well as key words.

To help you recognize terms and keywords, you can use the following questions.

  • What’s the goal of this invention? Is it a utilitarian device or an ornamental design?
  • Invention can be described as a method of create something or fulfill a function? Does it constitute a product?
  • What is the composition of the invention? What is the physical structure of the invention?
  • What is the goal of this invention?
  • What are the terms and phrases in the field of technology used to define the nature of an invention? A technical dictionary will help you find the appropriate terms.

2. These terms will enable you to look up relevant Cooperative Patent Classifications at Classification Search Tool. If you’re unable to determine the correct classification for your invention, go through the Schemas of classes (class schedules). If you don’t see any results from the Classification Text Search, you might consider substituting your words to describe your invention with synonyms.

3. Go through 3. Go over the CPC Classification Definition to verify the accuracy of the CPC classification that you have located. If the chosen classification includes a blue square with the letter “D” on its left, clicking on the link will direct you to a CPC classification’s description. CPC classification definitions can help you determine the applicable classification’s scope, so you can choose the one that is most appropriate. They may also provide search tips or other suggestions that could be helpful for further research.

4. The Patents Full-Text Database and the Image Database allow you to search for patent documents that have the CPC classification. You can search and narrow down the most relevant patent publications by only focusing on abstract and drawings representative of.

5. Take advantage of this list of most pertinent patent documents to examine each in detail for similarities to your invention. Pay attention to the specification and claims. It is possible to find additional patents by consulting the patent examiner and applicant.

6. Find patent applications published in the public domain using the CPC classification you picked in Step 3 from the Applications Full-Text and Image Database. You can also use the same method of search that you utilized in Step 4 to narrow your search results to the most relevant patents by reading the abstracts and representative drawings for every page. Next, examine the patent applications that have been published carefully with particular attention paid to the claims, and other drawings.

7. Find other US patent publications using keywords in the PatFT or AppFT databases, classification searching of non-U.S. patents as described below, and searching for non-patent literature disclosures of inventions using web search engines. For example:

  • Add keywords to your search. Keyword searches may turn up documents that are not well-categorized or have missed classifications during Step 2. For example, US patent examiners often supplement their classification searches with keyword searches. Think about the use of technical engineering terminology rather than everyday words.
  • Search for foreign patents using the CPC classification. Then, re-run the search using international patent office search engines such as Espacenet, the European Patent Office’s worldwide patent publication database of over 130 million patent publications. Other national databases include:
  • Search non-patent literature. Inventions can be made public in many non-patent publications. It is recommended that you search journals, books, websites, technical catalogs, conference proceedings, and other print and electronic publications.

To review your search, you can hire a registered patent attorney to assist. A preliminary search will help one better prepare to talk about their invention and other related inventions with a professional patent attorney. In addition, the attorney will not spend too much time or money on patenting basics.