Facebook Technologies, LLC (Menlo Park, CA)

A method, in accordance with an embodiment, involves accessing the first rendered image which was generated at a first framerate. The method includes generating, based on the initial rendered frame, several sub-frames at an additional frame rate that is greater than the first frame rate. The first sub-frame of one or more sub-frames is generated by determining a displacement measurement that is associated with the anticipated movement of an optics component in a display system, and applying, based on the displacement measure one or more transforms to the initial rendered frame to create the initial sub-frame. The first frame is intended to be observed by a person using the optical component of the display system. This technique involves showing one or more subframes at the second frame rate. The one or more sub-frames can be seen by the user through the optics part of the display system.

Portable displays have seen a dramatic increase in popularity, which has led to an increased need for lightweight and efficient displays. But, some of these displays may sacrifice quality or frame rate in order to enable lower power requirements and, in the case ofbody-carried displays that are more comfortable to wear. The sacrifices could result in an unsatisfactory user experience. Displays may reduce brightness, or have lower resolution, color depth or display frame rates that exceed the maximum and this reduces the attraction of using a display. A low frame rate may not be appropriate for certain applications. The quality of the display can have an impact on the perception of the quality of an artificial-reality experience. The significant computing cost needed to provide quality user experiences is a challenge.

In certain instances, displays may function by sending images to a user at a high frame rate (e.g. 100 to 200 Hz). Each frame is displayed for a specific time frame before being removed from the display. Visual artifacts could be produced when a frame is displayed. This can be due to an inconsistency in the position of the user during the time that the frame was rendered and when it is displayed on the screen. The display can be set to up-sample frame rates, such as 10 kHz to avoid visual artifacts. The display could produce dozens of sub-frames per frame it receives. The high frame rate may result in the image seen by users to be an average of many sub-frames instead of a single frame. This permits light emitting sources with less brightness to be used in the display without degrading quality of the image or color. But, the on-time for each source can be increased. This means that a display can be utilized in a more power efficient manner (e.g., emitting less bright light) using components that are less costly, as explained below. Unique image correction techniques can also be accomplished due to the speed of frame.

Certain embodiments permit the modification of the frame’s position depending on changes in the eye of the user or his head’s position. For instance, if the focus of the user shifts to the left between sub-frames, a pan logicblock may apply a two-dimensional shift on the image of the frame in question. This causes the frame to shift to the left by a certain amount of pixels, ensuring that the image is in the same location within the user?s field of view despite their eye movements.

In particular embodiments, two-dimensional shifts could be utilized to correct for any irregularities in the display like manufacturing defects in the underlying light-emitter arrays or malfunctioning light emitters that emit less light than is required, or no light. The result of the up-sampled frame rate results in the perception of the user to appear as an amalgamation of several sub-frames, and, for example, sub-frame image pixel colours for the light emitter that is malfunctioning could be sharedamong nearby light emitters by moving the entire sub-frame one or two pixels in a repeating pattern. The effect may be to correct image errors without blurring the image.

A particular embodiment may use a two- and three-dimensional dithering effect to the display to spread pixel value errors among nearby light emitters and possibly to subsequent frames. Dithering can be accomplished in both a spatial as well as a temporal dimension. Combining the dithering effect with the compositing effects of a high-up-sampled framerate could allow the display to mimic the appearance of a display that has advanced accuracy in color (8 or 10 bits), while also being composed of light emitters that possess a lower color accuracy (4 or 5 bits). Further, dithering and composing can be used to correct display irregularities as well as mimic other components that are more costly by using components that have a lower costs and better up-sampled frame rates as well as the capabilities of the human eye.

Embodiments of the invention may include or be implemented in conjunction with an artificial reality system. Artificial reality is an arrangement or form of realities that has changed prior to being presented to a user. It could be a virtual reality, an enhanced reality or mixed reality, a hybrid reality, as well as other variations. Artificial reality content can be created entirely or combined with captured content (e.g. real-world photos). The content created by artificial reality may include video, audio, haptic feedback or a combination of the two or any combination thereof. It can be displayed in a single channel, or in multiple channels (such as stereo videos that provide a 3D effect for the viewer). Artificial reality is also linked to accessories, products, services or applications in particular ways. These may include content that is created in artificial reality, and/or actions performed in artificial reality. Artificial reality systems that offer artificial reality content can be used on a variety of platforms. This includes a head-mounted display (HMD) or a standalone HMD, or any other hardware platform capable of providing artificial reality content for one or more viewers.

The embodiments described herein are only examples and the nature of this disclosure isn’t only limited to the specific embodiments described. A single embodiment may include any or all of the elements, components functions, features and methods described herein. Embodiments based on the invention are in particular disclosed in the attached claims that relate to a method, storage device, a system, or a computer program product, wherein any feature described in one claim category,e.g. Method can also be claimed under a different claim category. system. The dependencies or references back in the claims attached are selected solely for formal reasons. Any subject matter that arises from a deliberate refer back to any previous claims, in particular multiple dependencies, can also be claimed. This means that every claim and feature can be revealed regardless of whether dependencies are specified in the claims that are attached. The subject matter could comprise not just combinations of features mentioned in the attached claims but any combination of features within the claims. Each feature of the claims could be used in conjunction with another feature or a combination of features. Any of the embodiments or features described herein can be claimed as a distinct claim, or in combination with any other features or embodiments described in this document.

Click here to view the patent on USPTO website.

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What is a patent?

Granted by the government to protect an invention, patents grant the inventor with the exclusive right to use, create, sell and promote the invention? society is benefited when a brand innovative technology is introduced to the market. Benefits can be realized in directly, in that it allows people to do previously impossible things. Or indirectly, due to the opportunities for economic growth (business expansion and job creation) that innovation provides.

Patent protection is demanded by many university researchers and drug companies for their research and development. Patents can be granted for the creation of a product, process or method of creating new materials. To be granted patent protection the invention must be novel, useful and not apparent to others in the same area.

Patents are awarded to inventors who have commercially successful inventions. They act as a motivator for inventors to create. Small companies and inventors are sure that they will earn an income from the investment they make in technology development through patents. They can earn a living through their work.

Patents are essential to firms and can be used to:

Protect your innovative products and services.

Increase the value, appearance, and visibility of your product on the market

Your business and your products should be distinguished from the competition;

Access to business and technical knowledge and other information;

Avoid the danger of accidentally using proprietary third-party content or losing important information, creative outputs, or any other innovative output.

Patents transform the knowledge of inventors into an asset that can be sold, which opens up new opportunities for employment creation by licensing joint ventures and joint ventures.

Small companies that have patent protection will be more appealing to investors in the commercialization and development of technology.

Patents can lead to fresh ideas and innovative inventions. These information may be protected by patents.

Patents are a way to stop untrustworthy third parties from making money from the invention’s efforts.

The profits from technology patents that are successful and commercially viable can be used to finance technological research and development (R&D) and increase the chance of better technology in the near future.

Intellectual property ownership is a way to convince investors and lenders that there are genuine opportunities to market your product. One powerful patent may lead to numerous financing options. Patents and other IP assets can be utilized as collateral or security for financing debt. You may also present investors with your patent assets to increase the value of your business. Forbes and others have pointed out that every patent could add anywhere from $500,000 to one million dollars to your company’s valuation.

Start-ups need a well-constructed business plan that builds on the IP to prove your product or service is unique and superior or ingenuous. Investors will also be impressed if your IP rights are secure or are on the verge of becoming secure, and if they are in line with your business plan.

It is essential to keep the invention secret before submitting a patent application. The public disclosure of an invention prior to filing can typically devalue its novelty and make it ineligible for patent protection. Therefore, pre-filing disclosures (e.g. for testing-marketing, investors, or other business partners) must only be done upon signing a confidentiality contract.

There are several types of patents, and understanding these is vital to safeguard your invention. Utility patents cover new processes and machine creations. Design patents cover ornamental designs. Utility patents are the most effective and shield the owner from competitors and copycats. Frequently they are granted for alterations or improvements to existing inventions. Utility patents also cover improvements and changes in existing inventions. For example, a process patent covers acts or methods of doing an action, while a chemical composition will include a mixture of components.

What is the typical length of a patent? While utility patents are valid for 20 years from the date of the initial filing, they may be extended by delays in the patent office.

Do you want to patent your ideas? Patents are only granted to the first-to-file applicants therefore you need to file your patent application quickly. Call PatentPC now to have your patent application submitted!

When you are writing an application for patents, you should do a patent search. it will provide you with an insight into the other applicants’ thoughts. This can help you limit the extent of your invention. You can also learn about the latest developments in your field of invention. You’ll have a better idea of what your invention should be, and you’ll be better prepared for writing your patent application.

How to Search for Patents

A patent search is the first step in obtaining your patent. You can do a google patent search or do a USPTO search. Patent-pending is the term for the product included in the patent application. You can use the public pair to find the patent application. After the patent office has approved the patent application, you are able to conduct a patent number search to locate the patent issued and your product will now be patented. You can also utilize the USPTO search engine. Read on for more details. Patent lawyers or a patent attorney can advise you on the procedure. In the US, patents are granted by the US trademark and patent office or the United States patent and trademark office, which also examines trademark applications.

Are you looking for similar patents? Here are the steps:

1. Create a list of terms that describe your invention based on its purpose, composition, and use.

Write down a brief, but precise description of the invention. Avoid using generic terms such as “device”, “process,” or “system”. Look for synonyms to the terms you chose initially. Also, keep track of crucial technical terms as well as key words.

Use the questions below to help you identify keywords or concepts.

  • What is the objective of the invention? Is it a utilitarian device or an ornamental design?
  • Is invention a way to make something or carry out a function? Or is it a product or process?
  • What is the nature and purpose of the invention? What is the physical composition of the invention?
  • What’s the point of this invention?
  • What are the terms in the technical field and keywords used to describe the nature of an invention? A technical dictionary will help you locate the right words.

2. These terms will enable you to look up pertinent Cooperative Patent Classifications using the Classification Search Tool. If you’re unable to find the right classification for your invention, scan through the classification’s class Schemas (class schedules). If you don’t get any results from the Classification Text Search, you might want to think about substituting the words for describing your invention using synonyms.

3. Review 3. Review the CPC Classification Definition to verify the accuracy of the CPC classification you’ve found. The hyperlink to a CPC classification definition is available if the chosen classification title has a blue box that includes “D” to its left. CPC classification definitions will assist you in determining the classification’s scope, so you can choose the most relevant. Furthermore they can provide search tips and other suggestions that may be useful to further study.

4. The Patents Full-Text Database and the Image Database allow you to retrieve patent documents that include the CPC classification. You can review and narrow down the most relevant patent publications first focusing on abstract and the drawings that are representative.

5. Use this selection of the most relevant patent publications to study each in detail to find similarity to your idea. Pay close attention to the claims and specifications. There are many patents available through contacting the patent examiner as well as the applicant.

6. Find patent applications published in the public domain using the CPC classification you chose in Step 3 in the Applications Full-Text and Image Database. It is possible to use the same search strategy as Step 4, narrowing your search results to the most relevant patent application by examining the abstract and illustrations on every page. The next step is to review every patent application that has been published with care with particular attention paid to the claims and other drawings.

7. Find additional US patents by keyword searching in PatFT or AppFT databases, searching for classification of non-U.S. patents as described below, and searching for non-patent patent disclosures in the literature of inventions using web search engines. Here are some examples:

  • Add keywords to your search. Keyword searches may turn up documents that are not well-categorized or have missed classifications during Step 2. For example, US patent examiners often supplement their classification searches with keyword searches. Think about the use of technical engineering terminology rather than everyday words.
  • Search for foreign patents using the CPC classification. Then, re-run the search using international patent office search engines such as Espacenet, the European Patent Office’s worldwide patent publication database of over 130 million patent publications. Other national databases include:
  • Search non-patent literature. Inventions can be made public in many non-patent publications. It is recommended that you search journals, books, websites, technical catalogs, conference proceedings, and other print and electronic publications.

To review your search, you can hire a registered patent attorney to assist. A preliminary search will help one better prepare to talk about their invention and other related inventions with a professional patent attorney. In addition, the attorney will not spend too much time or money on patenting basics.