Switchboard Visual Technologies, Inc. (San Jose, CA)

These methods and systems provide remote experiences that are interactive. The systems and methods may include computer executable code stored in a non-transitory memory and executed on processors. A digital platform could offer remote interaction. Platforms can manage a shared browser. A shared browser could be shared between multiple devices. The platform could keep the shared browser in cloud-based storage. The shared browser can be cloud-based. The platform could allow multiple devices to use the shared cloud browser. In response to inputs, the platform might take actions from each participant device. At least one action may be listed in the action list. It could comprise the follow command that directs a user to replicate the remote interactive experience from an external host or a present command, that instructs a group of people to duplicate the remote interactive experience through a host.

In the past 20 years, the manner in how people shop for their items of daily use has drastically changed. E-commerce now accounts for nearly all types of merchandise. Before you could only buy these products at a physical location. The internet has made commerce accessible from anywhere with a smartphone. It allows for price transparency and quality transparency in addition to efficiency and speed, as well as the capacity to meet the needs of customers with long-tails.

There is a massive change in the way that people and devices interact with each and each other. A prime example of this is the change in how service providers interact with and communicate with clients within the $8 trillion sector of services. This shift is triggered by factors similar to those that prompted the rise of e-commerce such as: expectations of customers being able do everything from anywhere; modern technologies that allow customers to discover service providers from across the globe; and the factors that limit physical and geographical mobility.

Recently there has been substantial increase in the use of streaming video platforms such as YouTube, Coursera, and other. While these platforms can be utilized to provide asynchronous entertainment and communication however, they do not have the capabilities of real-time interaction that most remote users require.

Video conferencing tools are being quickly adopted to provide services like group fitness, music lessons and physical therapy. Tools for video conferencing that are synchronous such as Zoom, Skype, WebEx and GoogleMeet could be sufficient for presenting conversations and documents such as spreadsheets and presentations. These tools aren’t designed to replace meetings in person. They are not interactive personalization, as well as the ability to have a pre- and post-session experience which may be needed by service providers or clients as well as participants who are looking for remote experiences.

For at least these reasons it is desirable to offer systems and methods that allow participants to participate in collaborative, interactive sessions even if the participants are physically remote.

This invention demonstrates the method of providing remote interactive experiences via the use of a digital platform. This could include receiving instructions from the host device to set up the virtual room. The virtual room can be set up to allow access to several devices. This method can also include the host device receiving a command. It is preferred that the present command is a signal to the plethora of devices participating to participate in the presentation of (i.e. to view–a virtualroom conducted by the host device.

The method may display a picture in the display of every participant’s device upon the request. The canvas may contain a graphical representation that is customizable. The instructions of the host device could guide the configuration of the canvas.

Instructions can include an inventory of interaction applications which can be added to the canvas. The interaction apps can be chosen from a list of apps for interaction.

The one or more participant devices can be associated with a certain level of access to the interaction applications. The access level could be determined at least in part on the directions. A set of rules may be utilized to determine which interaction applications each device participant is authorized to control , and which permissions the plurality can allow to modify the interaction application.

Each of the many interaction apps can have the coordinated window. The coordinated window could be enabled, on the various devices of participants with the present command. A layout and content could be used to trigger the coordinated window. The layout may include a size, shape, and a screen’s position. The layout can show words or images within the window.

Click here to view the patent on USPTO website.


Get Patents with PatentPC

What is a patent?

A patent is granted by the government in order to protect the invention. It gives the inventor the right to develop, utilize and market the idea. Society benefits when new technologies are brought to market. These benefits may be directly realized as people can achieve previously impossible feats, or indirectly via the opportunities for economic growth that innovation offers (business growth, jobs).

A lot of pharmaceutical firms and university researchers are seeking protection from patents in their research and developments. Patents are granted for a product, process, or method for making new materials. Patent protection must be granted to an invention that is useful, novel, and not already known by others in the same field.

Patents are awarded to inventors who have commercially successful inventions. They are an incentive to inventors to invent. Small-scale businesses and inventors are assured that they will get a good return on their investment in the development of technology. This means they will be able to make a living by their work.

Businesses that have the capacity to:

Protect your innovative products and services.

Improve the value, the appearance, and visibility of your products on the market;

Make your brand stand out from the competition.

Access technical and business knowledge and other information;

Be careful not to accidentally use third-party content or you could lose valuable data as well as creative outputs and other outputs.

Patents transform inventor’s knowledge into a valuable asset which opens up new opportunities for job creation through licensing and joint ventures.

Investors who are involved in the commercialization and development of technology will find small-scale businesses that have patent protection appealing.

Patents can lead to fresh ideas and innovative inventions. These information may be eligible for patent protection.

Patents can serve as an effective deterrent for untrustworthy third parties that profit from the efforts of an invention.

Revenues from patent-protected technology that are commercially successful can be used to fund research and development (R&D) that will increase the chance of better technology in the coming years.

It is possible to use intellectual property ownership to convince investors and lenders that your product has real commercial value. Sometimes, a single patent can lead to numerous financing possibilities. You can utilize patents and other IP assets as collateral or security financing. You may also present investors with your patent assets to boost the value of your business. Forbes and others have pointed out that each patent can increase the value of your company by as much as $500,000 to $1 million.

Startups require a well-constructed business plan that builds on the IP to demonstrate that your product/service is unique superior, innovative, or superior. Investors will also be impressed if your IP rights are secured or in the process to becoming secure, and that they agree with your business plan.

It is essential to keep an invention secret until you submit to protect it with patents. The public divulging of an invention prior to its filing, can often ruin its novelty and render it invalid. Therefore, prior filing disclosures (e.g., for test-marketing investors, test-marketing, or for other business partners) should only be filed upon signing a confidentiality contract.

There are many kinds of patents. Understanding them is essential to protecting your invention. Utility patents are for the development of new methods and machines. Design patents cover ornamental designs. Patents for utility are the best option and protect the owner against copies and competitors. Utility patents are often issued to improve or modify existing inventions. Patents issued under utility can be used to enhance or modify existing inventions. A process patent would describe the methods or actions to perform a particular action. But, a chemical composition will include an amalgamation of ingredients.

How long does a patent last? Although utility patents are valid up to 20 years from their earliest filing, they can be extended through delays at the patent office.

Are you interested in patenting your ideas? Since patents are only granted for applicants who are first to file, you need to file quickly – call a patent attorney at PatentPC to file your invention now!

When drafting a patent application, you should do a patent search. it will provide you with some insight into other people’s concepts. This will allow you to limit the scope of your idea. Furthermore, you’ll learn about state of the art in your area of invention. You’ll get a better understanding of what your idea should be and be more prepared to submit your patent application.

How to Search for Patents

A patent search is the very first step to getting your patent. You can do a google patent search or do a USPTO search. Patent-pending is the name used to describe the product included in the patent application. It is possible to search the public pair to locate the patent application. Once the patent office has approved your application, you’ll be able do an online search for a patent number and discover the patent issued. Your product now has the potential to be patentable. Alongside the USPTO search engine, you can also utilize other search engines like espacenet, which is described below. A patent lawyer or patent attorney can advise you on the process. In the US Patents are issued by the US trademark and patent office or the United States patent and trademark office, which also examines trademark applications.

Are you interested in similar patents? These are the steps you should follow:

1. Brainstorm terms that describe your invention based upon the purpose, composition and application.

Write down a concise and precise description of your idea. Avoid using generic terms like “device,” “process,” and “system.” Instead, think about synonyms for the terms you initially chose. Also, keep track of significant technical terms, as well as key words.

Use the following questions to help you identify keywords or concepts.

  • What is the objective of this invention? Is it a utilitarian device or an ornamental design?
  • Is invention a way to come up with something or to perform an action? Are you referring to a product?
  • What is the purpose and composition of the invention? What is the physical constitution?
  • What’s the point of the invention?
  • What are the terms in the technical field and keywords used to describe the nature of an invention? To find the correct terms, consult the technical dictionary.

2. Utilize these terms to locate relevant Cooperative Patent Classifications at the Classification Text Search Tool. If you are unable to find the right classification to describe your invention, scan through the classification’s class Schemas (class schedules). You may want to consider substituting the terms that you’re using for describing your invention, if you fail to receive any results from the Classification Text Search with synonyms similar to the words you used in the first step.

3. Check the CPC Classification Definition for confirmation of the CPC classification you’ve found. The link to the CPC classification definition will be available when the classification you have selected has a blue box that includes “D” to the left. CPC classification definitions can be used to determine the scope of the classification, so you are certain to choose the one that is relevant. In addition, these definitions can include some tips for searching and other information which could be helpful to further study.

4. Find patent documents that have the CPC classification from the Patents Full-Text and Image Database. By focusing on abstracts and illustrations it is possible to narrow your search to find the most relevant patent publications.

5. Use this selection of the most relevant patent publications to study each one in depth for any similarities to your invention. Pay attention to the specification and claims. Consult the applicant and patent examiner for additional patents.

6. You can retrieve published patent applications that meet the CPC classification you picked in Step 3. You may also employ the same search strategy that you utilized in step 4 to limit your search results to only the most relevant patent applications by looking over the abstracts as well as the drawings on every page. After that, you must review all published patent applications carefully and pay particular attention to the claims and other drawings.

7. You can find additional US patent publications by keyword searching in the AppFT and PatFT databases, as well as classification search for non-U.S. Patents as described below. Also, you can make use of search engines on the internet to search for non-patent-related documents that describe inventions in the literature. For example:

  • Add keywords to your search. Keyword searches may turn up documents that are not well-categorized or have missed classifications during Step 2. For example, US patent examiners often supplement their classification searches with keyword searches. Think about the use of technical engineering terminology rather than everyday words.
  • Search for foreign patents using the CPC classification. Then, re-run the search using international patent office search engines such as Espacenet, the European Patent Office’s worldwide patent publication database of over 130 million patent publications. Other national databases include:
  • Search non-patent literature. Inventions can be made public in many non-patent publications. It is recommended that you search journals, books, websites, technical catalogs, conference proceedings, and other print and electronic publications.

To review your search, you can hire a registered patent attorney to assist. A preliminary search will help one better prepare to talk about their invention and other related inventions with a professional patent attorney. In addition, the attorney will not spend too much time or money on patenting basics.