Samsung Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd. (Suwon-si, KR) Research & Business Foundation Sungkyunkwan University (Suwon-si, KR)

An antenna device may comprise an input via, an electrically-connected patch antenna connected to the feed via and coupling patterns separated from the patch antenna pattern, and separated from one another. One or more of the coupling pattern may protrude in an angle where at least one is separated from the patch antenna.

1. Field

This description is for an antenna device.

2. Description of related art

The volume of data transmitted by mobile communications has grown on a regular basis. Different techniques have been devised to support the rapid increase of data on wireless networks in real-time. Examples include conversion of Internet of Things (IoT)-based datainto content and AR, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and live VR/AR synchronized with SNS and an automated driving function, applications like a sync-view (transmission of live images from an angle of the user by using cameras that are compact) or similar, mayrequire communications (e.g., 5G communication, mmWave communication or similar) that allow the transmission and reception of huge quantities of data.

The research has focused in the field of mmWave communications, which includes 5th generation (5G) and the commercialization and standardization of an antenna device that could be used to implement such communications.

An RF signal of the high frequency band (e.g. 24 GHz or 28 GHz, 36 GHz, 39 GHz, 60 GHz and the like) could easily be lost and absorbed during transmission, which may degrade quality of communication. Thus, an antenna for communications performedin a high frequency band might require a technique that differs from techniques employed in a typical antenna. A specific technique such as implementing an independent power amplifier and so on, might be needed to ensure the antenna’s gain, and to ensure that it is integrated with an antenna and an RFIC Effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP), and other similar.

Click here to view the patent on USPTO website.


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