How Do I Patent a Software Idea?

Listed below are several steps to consider when pursuing a patent for your software idea. These include defining the problem statement, identifying the Inventive Step, and determining whether the idea is Novel and Not Obvious. In addition, many companies wish to quarantine a patentable idea until it can be proven that it is valuable to the company. A general problem statement is most useful if the solution has a broad applicability. The more important the issue to the customer, the more likely the patent will be granted.

Inventive step

The first step in patenting a software idea is to define what constitutes an ‘inventive step’. This term is used in a variety of contexts, including business, software, and even scientific research. In order to be considered an ‘inventive step’, an idea must have some significant technical advancement to warrant its patentability. Inventive steps can be found in various processes, but they must be novel and not obvious to a person skilled in the art.

To make a patentable software idea, the applicant must show that the idea was not a mere improvement on an existing tool. Whether a software product is new or an improvement on an existing one is largely dependent on the inventive step, but in general, a software company must demonstrate that the improvements are not obvious. If the idea is obvious, the applicant must prove that the change has been made to make it more usable or useful to a user.

As a rule, an invention must solve a problem in the art. It must do so by applying technical knowledge to a particular problem. If the solution is known to anyone with an adequate technical knowledge, the invention will not be considered to be “inventive” if it is obvious to the person skilled in the art. Likewise, an invention must be better than an existing solution in terms of accuracy or efficacy. The inventor should also be able to explain how his or her invention addresses the problem in a manner that makes it “unique.”

If you think your software idea is “inventive,” don’t be discouraged. Generally, software inventions are not patentable if they solve business problems. If it does, it may still be patentable. And if it is, the patent will reflect that. This is important because software is often built on incremental improvements. If your software idea is truly novel, it is more likely to be eligible for a patent.

A software idea is not inherently inventive, but the court may find it useful to consider if the invention embodies a new technique that is not obvious to the general public. While software engineers routinely cross multiple fields, the term “invention” can be used to describe a technical breakthrough. An incorrectly cast field may invalidate a software idea, but it may still qualify as an invention.

The Federal Circuit has defined the boundaries of what constitutes an “inventive concept” in a broad way. The Federal Circuit largely scrutinizes whether an invention improves computer functionality by using a machine that can do the work. If it does, a patent application should be granted. Otherwise, a software invention may not be eligible because of technical limitations. This is particularly true of software inventions that make use of 3D printing technology.


Whether or not your idea is patentable will depend on whether it is new and not obvious. In the United States, this is known as the “Nonobviousness Test” and it is a major hurdle to overcome when filing for a patent. In Europe, however, nonobviousness is an important factor in obtaining a patent. The United Kingdom assesses it differently.

There are a few things to keep in mind when assessing the obviousness of your idea. In general, it is important to remember that patentability requires a demonstration of inventiveness beyond what is known in the art. The non-obviousness requirement focuses on a combination of features or steps, and requires a judgment call. While this is subjective, it makes the law more flexible.

The USPTO uses three criteria for determining whether your idea is obvious. In addition to using the ‘noobvious’ standard, the examiner will consider other criteria to determine whether your idea is novel. In general, the USPTO will consider any information that is published in the field prior to the invention. The relevant prior art should contain explicit teachings of the claimed invention.

In general, software inventions require a higher level of sophistication to be patent-eligible. It must be able to demonstrate that it has a substantial contribution to a new field or industry. Moreover, a software idea must be more than just an algorithm. A computer program that manipulates numbers can represent real-world values or analyze seismic measurements. For example, a mathematical algorithm may not be patent-eligible unless it can demonstrate a tangible innovation that is inherently novel.

Software inventors should be aware of the importance of non-obviousness when patenting stale software ideas. Although software patents have often attracted criticism from developers, many of these ideas are obvious. The same holds true for Amazon’s one-click shopping patent. The patent office’s goal is to keep the patent system working and when inventors can rely on common sense.

While a software invention may be novel, patent eligibility standards are not clear. In some cases, prior art can be used as “prior art” in a novelty or non-obviousness analysis. In addition, disclosure of research findings may delay dissemination of research findings, complicate collaboration between different institutions, and even stifle the constitutional purpose of an idea. The result? A stalemate of software innovation.

Despite the difficulties of obtaining a patent for a software idea, the USPTO has issued guidelines for identifying novel ideas in the field. These guidelines provide a set of tools for patent attorneys and help the inventors protect their ideas without fear of losing a crucial opportunity for financial or intellectual property rights. In addition, it allows patenting abstract ideas. And with this, software innovations can benefit from a better legal system.

Defining the invention

One of the most critical steps when patenting software ideas is defining the invention. The description of your invention must be able to transform it into a patent-eligible application. A broad description of your idea will most likely be categorized as an abstract idea. To avoid this classification, focus your invention on a specific computing technology. Then, focus on identifying the components that make up that computing technology.

Once you have defined your invention, you can begin writing the code. Typically, a software invention will fall somewhere between the design of the system and the code. The patentable idea lies somewhere in between these two things. To protect your idea, you must define the invention before you can actually start writing the code. Whether you choose to write the code or not depends on your particular design and the functionality of the software.

Defining the invention when patenting a software idea requires several specific pieces of information. You need to include the overall computer architecture of your idea, a single flowchart describing how it works, and several flow charts identifying the various routines and subroutines that make it work. It’s essential to include these three specific pieces of information in your software patent application. After all, if you don’t include them in your patent application, you might get rejected.

The most fundamental feature of your software is its design. The software code is the implementation of your vision of the system. You must be able to prove that the code solves a specific technical problem. That way, your software idea will be patent-eligible. However, it may be difficult to define the invention in a way that makes it work for everyone. But, if you can demonstrate that the software is new and solves a specific problem, then you are well on your way to patenting the software idea.

When it comes to patenting a software idea, it is crucial to ensure that the invention passes the Alice test. Patent office examiners typically take a narrow interpretation of the Alice test, and often consider abstract ideas as mere abstract concepts. In other words, a software algorithm must be an improvement over the state of the art. The Alice test is the primary reason why software inventions are rejected, and the USPTO is doing its best to make it easier to apply the rule.

As an inventor, you have to be aware of the patentability laws governing abstract ideas. This prohibition has become more stringent with the development of software. Many forms of software, such as games, are deemed abstract ideas by the USPTO. The USPTO defines software as a generic implementation of a mathematical concept or a mental process. This prohibition is reasonable and well-intentioned, but it does not give you complete protection for your idea.