Facebook, Inc. (Menlo Park, CA)

A HMD (head-mounted display) lets users browse images. The HMD can display virtual objects that interact with a user on a reference plane, such as a keyboard and trackpad. With their hands, they can create predefined hand patterns it is possible for the user to define the reference plane. After the reference plane is constructed it is then possible for the HMD can display virtual interaction objects in the reference plane. The HMD can monitor the hands of users in relation to the reference plan so that they can interact with virtual objects. For example, a tapping on a trackpad located on the reference plane may indicate the user to click. The reference plane could be identified by the hand shape of the user in addition to other advantages. The reference plane is able to be identified without the HMD being required to locate the actual surface (e.g. object recognition).

The present disclosure pertains to augmented and virtual reality systems and specifically, to interfaces that utilize a reference plane to present virtual objects of interaction to the user.

Head-mounted displays (HMDs) are used for presenting information to users in an experience that is immersive. The information could be traditional still images or videos but often includes virtual reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR). HMDs are useful in many areas, such as engineering, medicine, aviation gaming, and aviation.

HMDs can detect objects in real time when showing AR or VR images to users. For instance the HMD monitors the user’s location relative to objects in the real world. To display virtual objects that the user caninteract with the HMD might need to identify and continuously monitor the user as well as a variety of objects in the real-world. This requires a lot of resource and can cause delays in the system or hinder the capabilities of an HMD.

A HMD (head-mounted display) that shows VR (VR) also known as augmented reality, presents pictures to users. The HMD can show virtual interaction objects such as a keyboard and trackpad for the user. The HMD tracks the movements of the hand of the user and lets them interact with virtual objects. For instance, a user can type messages by interacting via an interactive keyboard.

The virtual objects of interaction display for the user to view on a reference plane. When placing their hands into predetermined forms, users can decide the preferred size, orientation, and the position of the reference plane. A predetermined shape, such as is a hand that is placed on a surface. If the fingers of the user are in predetermined shapes, the HMD tracks them and generates the reference plan. For instance when the HMD creates a reference plane below the hands of the user if the fingertips of the user are at a minimum distance (e.g., indicating the hands of the user are flat). Another example is that the location of the reference plane is determined by the position of three or more fingers. In this case the reference plan is generated if the thumb index middle and ring fingers are on a plane. The reference plane can be established during the calibration process and can be created any amount of times. Users may want to work with virtual objects that are on a different surface.

After a first hand forms a predetermined shape at the location of the reference plane, it is able to be confirmed. If the reference plane isn’t in the location desired and the user desires to interact with virtual objects via virtual interaction and the desired location is not found, it can be confirmed by a second hand that forms an additional predetermined shape in the desired location. The HMD may show an image or two to help the user place the second predetermined shape in the location of the reference plane. The HMD could create a second reference plan at the location of the second predetermined form to check if the second predetermined form is at the same location as the reference. The HMD then determines if the reference plane is the same as the reference plan for the second one by determining if the two planes are identical or within a particular distance from each other.

After the reference plane has been defined After that, the HMD can display virtual objects of interaction on the reference plane. The HMD determines the form and location of the hands of the user relative to the reference plane in order to permit users to interact with the virtual object. The tap of a finger on a section of the reference surface could be a function for a virtual trackpad. Apart from that, the reference plane is defined based on hand shapes of the user. Furthermore, a userinteracts with virtual interaction objects by making hand gestures in relation to the reference plane. This is how the reference plane is established and the user can interact with virtual objects with the HMD identifying objects or surfaces in the real world(e.g. via object recognition).

Click here to view the patent on USPTO website.

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What is a patent?

Patents are issued by the government to protect the invention. It grants the inventor the right to create, use and market the idea. Society is benefited when new technology is introduced to market. These benefits may be realized directly by people who are able to achieve previously impossible feats and indirectly by the opportunities for economic growth that innovation provides (business growth, jobs).

Patent protection is demanded by a variety of universities and pharmaceutical companies for research and development. Patents can be granted to products, processes, or method of creating new materials. Patent protection is granted to an invention that is useful, novel, and not previously known to others in the same field.

Patents recognize and reward inventors for their commercially successful inventions. They are an incentive to inventors to create. Small businesses and inventors can be assured that they will get an income from their investment in technology development via patents. This means they will be able to make a living by their work.

Businesses with the ability to:

Protect innovative products and services;

Improve the value, the appearance, and visibility of your products market

Make your brand stand out from the competition.

Access to business and technical knowledge and data;

Avoid accidentally using content from third parties or losing valuable data, creative outputs or any other creative output.

Patents effectively transform the inventor’s knowledge into a marketable asset which opens new opportunities to create jobs and boost business growth through licensing or joint ventures.

Small companies that have patent protection will be more attractive to investors in the commercialization and development of technology.

Patenting could lead to the development of innovations and new ideas. This information could be eligible for protection under patents.

Patents can be used as an obstacle to unscrupulous third parties that profit from an invention’s efforts.

Revenues from patent-protected technology that are commercially successful can be used to finance the development of technology through research and development (R&D) that will improve the chances of developing better technology in the coming years.

Intellectual property ownership is a way to convince lenders and investors that there are legitimate opportunities to commercialize your product. A single patent could open the door for multiple financing opportunities. Patents and other IP assets are able to be used as collateral or security for financing debt. You may also present investors with the patents you own to increase the value of your business. Forbes and other publications have reported that each patent can add anywhere from $500,000 to one million dollars to your company’s valuation.

A well-designed business plan is crucial for new businesses. It must be founded on IP and show the way your product or service stands out. In addition, investors will be impressed if you demonstrate that your IP rights are secure or are in the process of becoming secure and they can support your business plan.

It is crucial to keep your invention secret until you apply to protect it with patents. The public divulging an invention could often damage its novelty and make it invalid. Disclosures that are filed prior to filing, like for investors, test-marketing or any other business partners, is best done after signing a confidentiality contract.

There are several types of patents and knowing the different types is crucial to protect your invention. Utility patents cover new methods and inventions made by machines. Design patents cover ornamental designs. Utility patents are the most beneficial since they protect the proprietor from copycats and other competitors. In most cases they are granted for alterations or improvements to existing inventions. Patents issued under utility can be used to improve or alter existing inventions. A process patent would describe the methods or actions to perform a specific action. However, a chemical composition could be the combination of ingredients.

What is the typical length of patents? Patents for utility last 20 years from the initial date of filing, however their expiration dates can be extended due to delays in the patent office, for example.

Do you want to patent your ideas? Patents are only granted to the first-to-file applicants so you must file quickly. Call PatentPC now to have your patent application submitted!

Patent searches are essential when you’re working on your patent application. This will allow you to view different ideas and provide insight into their creations. This will allow you to limit the scope of your invention. It is also possible to find out about the latest developments in the field you’re inventing. You’ll get a better understanding of what your invention should be and will be better prepared to write the patent application.

How to Search for Patents

A patent search is the very first step to getting your patent. You can do a google patent search or do a USPTO search. Patent-pending is the term for the product that has been covered by the patent application. You can search for the public pair to locate the patent application. When the patent office is satisfied with your application, you will be able to do a patent number search to find the patent issued. Your product is now patentable. Alongside the USPTO search engine, you can also utilize other search engines such as espacenet, which is described below. It is possible to seek help from a patent attorney or patent attorney. In the US, patents are granted by the US trademark and patent office or by the United States patent and trademark office, which also reviews trademark applications.

Interested in finding more similar patents? Here are the steps to follow:

1. Think of terms that describe your invention according to its function, composition, or use.

Write down a brief and precise explanation of your invention. Don’t use generic terms such as “device”, “process” or “system”. Look for synonyms to the terms you picked initially. Next, note important technical terms and key words.

Utilize the following questions to help you find key words or concepts.

  • What is the goal of the invention? Is it a utilitarian device or an ornamental design?
  • Invention is a method to make something or carry out some function? Is it an object?
  • What is the composition of the invention? What is the physical structure of the invention?
  • What’s the purpose of the invention
  • What are the technical terms and terms used to describe an invention’s nature? To assist you in finding the right terms, refer to a technical dictionary.

2. These terms allow you to look up relevant Cooperative Patent Classifications using the Classification Search Tool. To find the most appropriate classification to your invention, go through the resulting classification’s class Schemes (class schedules). If you don’t see any results from the Classification Text Search, you may consider substituting the words to describe your invention using synonyms.

3. Examine 3. Check the CPC Classification Definition for confirmation of the CPC classification you’ve found. The link to a CPC classification definition is provided in the event that the title of the classification has a blue box that includes “D” to the left. CPC classification definitions can aid you in determining the classification’s scope , so you can pick the one that is the most appropriate. In addition the definitions may include some tips for searching and other information that could be helpful in further study.

4. The Patents Full-Text Database and the Image Database allow you to retrieve patent documents that include the CPC classification. You can search and select the relevant patent publications focusing first on the abstract and the drawings that are representative.

5. This collection of patent publication is the best to check for connections to your idea. Take note of the specifications and claims. Contact the applicant as well as the patent examiner for any additional patents.

6. Find patent applications published in the public domain using the CPC classification you selected in Step 3 of the Applications Full-Text and Image Database. You can apply the same search strategy in Step 4 to narrow your results down to the relevant patent application by examining the abstract and representative drawings that appear on each page. Next, examine the patent applications that have been published carefully with particular attention paid to the claims, and other drawings.

7. Find other US patent publications using keywords in the PatFT or AppFT databases, classification searching of non-U.S. patents per below, and searching non-patent publications of inventions with internet search engines. For instance:

  • Add keywords to your search. Keyword searches may turn up documents that are not well-categorized or have missed classifications during Step 2. For example, US patent examiners often supplement their classification searches with keyword searches. Think about the use of technical engineering terminology rather than everyday words.
  • Search for foreign patents using the CPC classification. Then, re-run the search using international patent office search engines such as Espacenet, the European Patent Office’s worldwide patent publication database of over 130 million patent publications. Other national databases include:
  • Search non-patent literature. Inventions can be made public in many non-patent publications. It is recommended that you search journals, books, websites, technical catalogs, conference proceedings, and other print and electronic publications.

To review your search, you can hire a registered patent attorney to assist. A preliminary search will help one better prepare to talk about their invention and other related inventions with a professional patent attorney. In addition, the attorney will not spend too much time or money on patenting basics.